Versus Li Yang

In this tournament, Leng San adjusted his qi to the third level of the indigo stage, a middle-level participant, to not appear suspicious. The boy’s advanced qi adjustment could fool even those with exceptional senses.

All the participants went up onto the stage to which their divisions would be decided by a lucky draw. Leng San was drafted into the third division. There were not any participants from the three largest sects in Leng San’s division, but there was a participant from the Floating Cloud Village in the same division as him. As a token of gratitude, Leng San destroyed everyone on the stage except the representative of the Floating Cloud Village, who was absolutely confused by what had happened.

“The winners of the third division are Ma Chen of the Soaring Sword Sect and Sao Yijun of the Floating Cloud Village,” the referee announced the results.

Leng San took a glance at Xiaolin Lun, who went to thank Yi Longhu for letting his village’s representative advance to the next round. Yi Longhu understood Leng San’s intention, so he just played along.

Half a day had passed, thirty-two qualifiers from all divisions had advanced to the second round that would be held in the afternoon...

“Ma Chen of the Soaring Sword Sect with Sao Yijun of the Floating Cloud Village, and Li Yang of the Fire Fortress Sect with Qi Song from the Vast Sky Village, please step up to the stage,” the referee announced.

Leng San smirked. He did not expect to go up against a member of the Fire Fortress Sect this early on. Leng San took a slight glance at Su Songyu and Su Zhao, whose eyes were filled with hope. The spectators were intensely discussing their opinions as the participants in this match were disciples of the two large sects, the Soaring Sword Sect and the Fire Fortress Sect.

“Li Yang clearly has the advantage as his partner, Qi Song’s qi is two levels higher than Sao Yijun, the partner of Ma Chen.”

“I agree. Li Yang’s qi is at the fifth level of the indigo stage, while Ma Chen’s qi is only at the third level. A match between a middle-level qi versus low-level qi, the result is pretty clear!!”

“Hmph!! Didn’t you see Ma Chen in the first round? His movements were really fast. The result of this match might be dictated by his speed.”

“No matter who will win. This match is going to be very interesting!!”

The four participants stepped up onto the stage. Sao Yijun’s face was visibly pale. In reality, his ability ranked among the bottom of the eight hundred participants. But because of Leng San, he was able to advance to the second round. Leng San walked to tap on Sao Yijun’s shoulder and whispered.

“Don’t worry, I will take you to the next round, as long as you follow what I tell you to do…” Leng San whispered something into Sao Yijun’s ear. The boy nodded, even though his eyes expressed curiosity.

The referee looked at the four participants that came up to the stage to confirm their conditions and to check that no one brought a weapon. The referee then announced after his inspection.

“The match begins!!”

Leng San smirked as he circulated qi to use the third-level body movement technique of the Soaring Sword Sect.

“Radiant Sun!!”

Leng San’s body glowed with bright light as if he was the sun. Everyone whose eyes were fixed on the match had been dazzled by the light, including spectators with high qi. However, these people could use other senses to detect that Leng San was doing something to Sao Yijun, but they couldn’t figure out exactly what the boy did. For about seven to eight breaths, the spectators were able to adjust to the light. They were shocked by what happened on the stage.

Leng San was still grinning in the middle of the stage. He didn’t even attack the opponents...

“What is he doing? Why did he use that technique and not attack the opponents?”

“Ugh!! What in the world is this technique? It’s making me blind.”

“Hey!! Tell us in advance if you’re going to use this technique!! It’s too dazzling!!”

The spectators grew loud, but Leng San ignored them. Once Li Yang and Qi Song’s eyes had adjusted to the light, they darted towards Leng San at once while being on guard for the previous technique.

“That technique of yours was full of bullshit. Get out of my way,” Li Yang’s body was enveloped by fire qi as he readied his fist to attack Leng San. But Leng San unexpectedly crossed his arms to the back, closed his eyes, and bent his body slightly to evade. Li Yang’s eyes widened before he twisted his waist and flicked his feet to kick Leng San’s body. But Leng San just slightly raised up his leg to block the attack without opening his eyes.


A light sound of collision chimed. Leng San’s corner of the mouth was slightly tugged up, unlike Li Yang, whose face churned as a small voice escaped from his throat.


Li Yang’s right leg that he used to kick Leng San’s body violently trembled. The sensation of pain ran towards his brain!! The boy felt like he had just kicked a large boulder!! Li Yang retreated with a limp. The crowd grew excited after the attack.

“Wow!! The gap between them is huge!!”

“His qi is two levels higher, but he’s losing already.”

“Who said Ma Chen’s only weapon was speed!?”

The criticism from the spectators had made the leader of the Fire Fortress Sect, Su Songyu, frowned. He did not expect Ma Chen of the Soaring Sword Sect to be this strong. They had very little information on Ma Chen, except that Yi Longhu personally brought the boy who had just joined the sect. However, the boy’s background remained a mystery. The techniques that the boy used were really of the Soaring Sword Sect’s, albeit subtly tweaked. So, they really believed that Ma Chen was a secret disciple of the Soaring Sword Sect.

Leng San slowly opened his eyes and insulted Li Yang with his gaze. The boy then extended his right hand and flicked the tip of his finger to provoke Li Yang, the core disciple of the Fire Fortress Sect, whose face turned beet red. No one had insulted him this much before. Li Yang was burning with rage like the fire qi that was enveloping his body. He glared at Leng San with a vengeance!!

While Leng San was dealing with Li Yang, Sao Yijun was busy blocking Qi Song’s continuous attacks. As both of them were representatives of a small village, their techniques were unremarkable, unlike representatives from the large sects. However, Sao Yijun’s qi was apparently inferior, so all he could do was block incoming attacks.

Leng San took a slight glance at his partner and saw that Sao Yijun was relatively disadvantaged. The boy shot Sword Finger to the two thighs of Qi Song with utmost precision. Qi Song collapsed onto the floor instantly. Even though Leng San’s Sword Finger did not go through his thighs due to the small amount of qi used, it sent waves of pain to his bones and tore a part of his muscles. Qi Song’s speed plunged by more than half, which nullified his advantage.

When Leng San was paying attention to Qi Song, Li Yang took that chance and darted towards Leng San with all of his energy!!

“Searing Palm.”

His palm, enveloped in bright red fire qi, targeted Leng San’s face. Li Yang smirked. He intended to destroy Leng San’s gorgeous face!!

Leng San furrowed his brows.

“You are seeking death!!”

Leng San clenched his fist and punched at Li Yang’s palm!!



The sound of cracked bones escaped from the clash. With his Dragon’s Muscle, even without qi, Leng San could easily counter an incoming attack from a user of indigo qi with the tip of his finger!! Every single bone of Li Yang’s arm was pulverized!!

Leng San then dropped his qi to ten percent to prevent Li Yang from losing consciousness and jabbed at Li Yang’s face. The juvenile’s face was distorted. His head turned along Leng San’s fist. At that moment, Leng San squinted his eyes and plopped a pill with his left hand, into Li Yang’s mouth with utmost precision!! Everything happened in the blink of an eye. Even users with high qi couldn’t see Leng San’s actions clearly.

Li Yang flew over tens of meters. Just a moment ago, he couldn’t even think straight from the excruciating pain in his arm. On top of that, his opponent closed the job with a fist and plopped a pill into his mouth without him knowing...