Zhu Yuanfan

“What the hell!! He crapped his pants.”

“Ugh!! Disgusting!!”

“Eew, I got splattered by some of it. Argh!!”

“Last year, the little master of the sect pissed on the stage. And this year their disciple crapped on the stage!! Haha, for the next year, one of their disciples would probably puke.”

A feeling of disgust and amusement took over the arena. This was probably the most pitiful occurrence throughout the tournament’s history. Last year, Su Guanbiao urinated on the stage, which was understandable considering Leng San’s ability. But this time was totally different.

Sao Yijun’s fist might be overpowered, but his overall technique was tremendously weak. It was as if the boy took down his opponents by wielding a magical sword despite not knowing how to use it!! Which made Li Yang who crapped his pants several folds more pathetic… Leng San subtly smiled and walked to his corner as he thought.

‘This is just the start!!’

“Qi Song and Li Yang are unable to fight. The winners of this round are Ma Chen of the Soaring Sword Sect and Sao Yijun of the Floating Cloud Village. Please be ready for the third round that will be held tomorrow,” the referee announced the result immediately while covering his body with qi to protect himself from the abhorrent stench.

Right now, the person with the smallest face in the arena was none other than Su Songyu!! The old man never came to watch the tournament personally in the previous years. He would usually send an elder of the sect to take disciples to the tournament. But this year was different as his youngest son was turned into a cripple during last year’s tournament and there was the possibility that Leng San might appear, so he came to see the tournament with his own eyes.

However, things had taken a turn for the worst. He had to bear such an insurmountable disgrace in front of everyone!! Furthermore, the referee had announced to the Fire Fortress Sect to take their disciple down and clean up the mess on the stage!! One of the largest sects of the Indigo Cloud City had been instructed to take care of the disgusting brown matter that had been left by their disciple. Su Songyu really wanted to bang his head on the chair and die right there. Hundreds of years of the sect’s reputation had been completely destroyed. As Su Songyu’s body shook with rage, Su Zhao came to whisper something into his ears.

“Elder brother, please stay calm. There is something fishy about this incident. Li Yang isn’t the kind of person to do such a thing, despite losing the functions of his right arm.”

Su Songyu’s pupils dilated. He calmly assessed the situation and discovered that several things seemed off.

“You’re right!! Previously, I was blinded by rage, which made me look over this possibility. Let me hear your opinion,” Su Songyu asked for Su Zhao’s opinion.

“Elder brother, I believe that someone is pulling the strings behind all these strange occurrences. And the identity of that person is highly likely to be Leng San, as almost a year had passed since the day he made that declaration. Of course, he is an enemy, but I have to admit that his ability to scheme is brilliant for someone his age. Last year, I was blinded by rage like you were today and ended up losing an arm and a leg.”

After Su Zhao lost his arm and leg to Leng San, he became much calmer. He reflected on his mistakes as he looked back on the incident. Right now, he would think that Leng San was always one step ahead of him so that he wouldn’t be careless and ended up being obliterated like what happened in the past.

Su Songyu nodded slightly and ordered his men to keep an eye on the audience and take note of any suspicious character that might be Leng San. But they were misguided to suspect Sao Yijun, who represented the Floating Cloud Village like Leng San in the previous year.

To which Leng San had anticipated that things would turn out this way!!

Leng San expected that bringing disgrace to the Fire Fortress Sect’s disciples could insinuate him. That was why Leng San had to try his best to conceal his identity and pushed Sao Yijun into the spotlight!! Now all the suspicions would be directed towards Sao Yijun. This would make Leng San’s infiltration into the Fire Fortress Sect much easier.

It took the Fire Fortress Sect a brief period to clean up the stage as there were several matches left today. The tournament continued until Yi Longwang’s match against another disciple of the Fire Fortress Sect. The match ended swiftly. Leng San wasn’t quite satisfied as the Fire Fortress Sect’s disciple was defeated too easily!!

‘There’s one of them left. I hope I will see him tomorrow.’

The tournament proceeded until the last match of the day between the last disciple of the Fire Fortress Sect and several disciples of the Xiaolin Sect, but this couldn’t be called a match because...

“Zhu Yuanfan of the Fire Fortress Sect with Xiaolin Zhang of the Xiaolin Sect versus Xiaolin Zhangjin of the Xiaolin Sect and Xiaolin Jia of the Xiaolin Sect,” the referee announced to the participants.

The spectators grew wild. It was true that this was a two versus two matches, but there were three disciples of the Xiaolin Sect!! According to the rules, the three disciples from the Xiaolin Sect could help each other take down the disciple of the Fire Fortress Sect, but Xiaolin Zhang, who paired up with Zhu Yuanfan, would be disqualified along.

Leng San clenched his fist tight. He was certain that Zhu Yuanfan of the Fire Fortress Sect wouldn’t qualify for the next round that would be held the next day, as the level of the three largest sect’s disciples wasn’t that far from each other. Even Yi Longwang who was dubbed the number one prodigy might have some trouble defeating three opponents.

“This second round will probably be the end of the Fire fortress Sect.”

“Haha, the first one crapped his pants, the second one was defeated by the tournament’s favorite, and the last one will go against three foes at once. This is really a bad year for the Fire Fortress Sect.”

“The members of the Fire Fortress Sect were betrayed by their luck again.”

“Despite an unhonorable act, the Xiaolin Sect would definitely join forces to defeat him as the sect hadn’t won the tournament for many years in a row!!”

Criticism resonated throughout the arena. Once the four participants stepped up onto the stage, their one to three positions had clearly conveyed their intentions!!

“Please do not bear any grudge towards us. But we have to prevent possible injuries as we advance to the third round that will take place tomorrow. We hope you would understand,” Xiaolin Zhang cupped his hands and slightly bowed as an apology.

“I do not mind. Please come at me.”

Zhu Yuanfan slightly nodded, but there was not even a hint of worry on his face except a subtle smile. Leng San frowned. Zhu Yuanfan’s gesture appeared very suspicious to him. The boy then dispersed his Dragon’s Sense throughout the arena to inspect Zhu Yuanfan in great detail and found out something shocking.

‘Second level blue qi!! And I couldn’t detect even a hint of fire qi in his body.’

Despite Zhu Yuanfan hiding his energy in the same manner as Leng San, but with the boy’s Dragon’s Sense, he was able to expose the disguise with ease. Obviously, Leng San was astounded at the boy’s qi, but what was even more surprising was the lack of fire qi, despite being a representative of the Fire Fortress Sect!!

“The match begins!!” The referee announced...