Taizhu Form

Xuanwu Jincan stood up from his seat again. Both of his hands trembled. His eyes grew wide as he was shocked by the ongoing match.

“Is…is this really a tournament at the Indigo Cloud City?! This match is already on the same level as the capital’s youth tournament!!”

Even Su Songyu, the leader of the Fire Fortress Sect, and Xiaolin Yu, the elder of the Xiaolin Sect couldn’t sit still. When Zhu Yuanfan unsealed his blue qi, the both of them weren’t that shocked as Zhu Yuanfan was the young master of an institute from the southern region, which was on a different level from the Indigo Cloud City. Also, the boy was considered an outsider of the city.

But now the person who was dispersing blue qi was a disciple of the Soaring Sword Sect, a rival sect within this Indigo Cloud City!! After the tournament ended, the reputation of the Soaring Sword Sect would rise up to the top without a doubt!!

“Yi Longhu had been hiding a disciple of such caliber for years. It is not possible that this person is a temporary representative who came from somewhere else as all the techniques he has used were clearly those of the Soaring Sword Sect,” Xiaolin Yu said.

Everyone in the arena was dumbfounded, but not as much as Zhu Yuanfan, whose face started to distort in an ugly manner. He had never thought that there would be a prodigy hidden in a sect of the northern region!! He knew beforehand that the number one prodigy in this city was Yi Longwang, but once he knew that Yi Longwang’s qi was only at the ninth level of the indigo stage, he totally ignored the girl.

But now!! The person in front of him, who was around the same age, had a stronger qi, which was hard for him to accept the truth.

“Bullshit!! I’ve beaten a person whose qi was two levels higher. Don’t think this will make a difference!!”

Zhu Yuanfan was now blinded with rage as he had been looking down on Leng San a moment ago. But now, Leng San was dispersing blue qi, which made him feel like he just slapped his own face!!

“So, you’re claiming that your techniques are better than mine? Hmph!! You’re exactly what they call a frog beneath a coconut shell,” Leng San pouted his lips.

Zhu Yuanfan’s face turned bright red. Flames of rage completely melted away his icy demeanor.

“You’re seeking death!!” Zhu Yuanfan circulated qi to his palm and darted towards Leng San with an advanced light-body technique.

"Heaven-Crashing Rock!”

His palm, imbued with an immense amount of qi, went straight towards Leng San’s body.

“Radiant Sword,” tens of qi swords combined into one and shot against Zhu Yuanfan’s palm.


Zhu Yuanfan wasn’t thrust away from the collision, but all the qi in his palm had dissipated. Zhu Yuanfan was startled. He didn’t even have time to prepare for the next move before realizing that the stage had been covered in tens of thousands of qi swords!!

“Heaven’s Veil Qi Swords!!”

This technique was the one that Yi Longwang used on Leng San during last year’s tournament. But now, Leng San was the one using it. The technique was executed at a faster pace and was ten times more destructive than when Yi Longwang had used it!! Tens of thousands of qi swords almost completely blocked the sky. Not to mention evading the qi swords, even moving was difficult.

“Shit!! Immovable Mountain,” Zhu Yuanfan activated his defensive qi at once!!


Countless qi swords shot at Zhu Yuanfan’s body from all directions with no hope of escape. The continuous attack lasted more than ten breaths. Light from the qi swords lit up the arena. The dust storm was fogging everyone’s vision. No one was able to see what was happening. All they could do was wait until the dust dissolved. Soon after, the scene on the stage reappeared. Each and every inch of Zhu Yuanfan’s clothes were torn. His body had not sustained any serious injury, but there were red bruises all over. There was only one word that could describe his condition, ‘pathetic’.

“Eh!! Master Zhu, please pardon me. I went a little bit too far because you claimed that your institute’s techniques are unrivaled. Please forgive me. Let’s turn a blind eye to what just happened and start all over. What do you think?” Leng San’s corner of the mouth turned upwards as he stood crossing his arms.

“You!!” Zhu Yuanfan’s body swayed from side to side as if he was about to collapse. But his gaze was still hostile, without an ounce of defeat.

“I have not lost yet!!” Zhu Yuanfan ignited his qi once again. His body was trembling with compressed energy. This technique would enable him to imbue his physique with his qi, an advanced technique of the Taizhu Institute. His physical capabilities were now pushed to the limit.

"Taizhu Form!!”

Zhu Yuanfan took a glance at Leng San with vengeance to find out that his opponent was still standing gracefully with both hands crossed to the back, insulting him with a smirk!!

“Scumbag!! I will let you taste the horror of the Taizhu Form!! Even core disciples of the large sects within the southern region must accept defeat once they see the Taizhu Form and beg for mercy. Now, my strength is a hundred times more powerful than that of a normal human!!”

“Oh...I see?” Leng San sarcastically expressed an interest in the boy’s explanation.

Zhu Yuanfan’s body shook as if he was being possessed. This shaking of his body wasn’t an effect of the Taizhu Form, but it came from his immense rage that had shot through the roof.

“Die!!” Zhu Yuanfan moved at lightning speed with legs that were a hundred times stronger than those of humans. The veins on his arms popped out as if they were about to burst. He pulled his left arm backwards, packed all of his energy into the fist, and threw it at Leng San’s face!!


The clash was as loud as an explosion. Even the huge stage was visibly wobbled. Zhu Yuanfan’s fist, imbued with a full hundred percent of his qi, crashed into...Leng San’s...right hand!! Leng San completely nullified Zhu Yuanfan, who attacked in his Taizhu Form, with only his right hand, while his left hand was still crossed to the back. Leng San’s body hadn’t moved from his original location one bit!!

“You've taken your time to show off. But your strength wasn’t any better than a ten-year-old’s.”

Leng San squeezed his right hand that was grabbing Zhu Yuanfan’s fist with his Dragon’s Muscle. Even if Zhu Yuanfan’s Taizhu Form was twice as strong, it would still be incomparable to Leng San. Zhu Yuanfan’s carpal bones were completely pulverized.

“Argh!!” Zhu Yuanfan’s face twisted in pain. No matter how hard he tried to pull his fist, he wasn’t able to escape from Leng San’s grasp, as if he had been bonded to steel.

“L...Let go of my hand,” Zhu Yuanfan begged Leng San to release his fist as he couldn’t tolerate the pain anymore. One of Zhu Yuanfan’s knees plopped down to the floor.

Leng San smirked and flung Zhu Yuanfan’s body that flew more than three meters high, as if the mass was weightless, to another corner of the stage before dropping down like a rag doll.

“Surrender now if you don’t want any more injuries. You, who are not a people of the Indigo Cloud City, should not appear on this stage in the first place,” Leng San said as he looked down at the boy, void of emotions.

This was the first time in his life that Zhu Yuanfan had tasted this level of embarrassment. He wasn’t able to touch Leng San as he sustained more and more injuries each time they exchanged blows. The pain in his body was nothing compared to the disgrace he had received today. He was starting to lose his mind...

The boy had compressed all of his energy into his index finger. The elder that came with Zhu Yuanfan knew immediately what he was about to do next.

“Young master, please do not use it!!” The elder’s name was Zhu Qingqiu. He never said a word for the whole duration of the match as he wanted his little master to have an opportunity to learn from others. But the thing that Zhu Yuanfan was about to do made the old man shout. But it was as if Zhu Qingqiu’s warning wasn’t heard...

“Ma Chen!! You’ve forced me into a corner. Don’t blame me if you die!!”

“Forbidden technique, Return to the Mountain!!!”