Su Guanyu (2)

As the Daughter of the Ocean King went out to refill liquor, Leng San concealed his senses while peeping from behind the door. He waited until she was on the way back to the room before pulling out his Sleeping Grass from the dimensional storage and putting her to sleep at the entrance of the second floor. Leng San swiftly caught the liquor and the girl that fell asleep in complete silence. The boy then brought her to the room opposite to Su Guanyu’s room.

Leng San altered his appearance and body structure into the girl and borrowed her adornment. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her alluring naked body.

‘Oh yeah!! Her body’s a piece of art.’

Leng San rubbed his hands together as he reached for the porcelain white mountains on her body. But once his hands were only half an inch away from the mountains, a voice perked up.

“Pervert!! You’ve got work to do!!” Obviously, it was Freya’s voice.