Treasury Chest!!

"Careful, kid. I can sense an unimaginable source of power within," Freya said with a serious face. She definitely was not joking around!!

Leng San squinted his eyes and gulped down his saliva that went down slowly. Even Freya was saying 'unimaginable source of power.' So, it must be an absurdly powerful item!! He thought,

'These thugs are holding onto this level of power, really?'

The boy started melting the steel door with his dragon's fire as meticulously as possible, costing him some time. He was careful in every single step he took within the room, covering his upper body with the Dragon's Scales and circulating the Mountain Dragon Qi in tandem. The picture that appeared in front of his eyes was a giant pile of treasure trove, invaluable jewelry, and countless gold coins, valued not less than one hundred million gold coins in total. Leng San widened his eyes in excitement but did not let his guard down while searching for the source of power Freya mentioned.