Before Entering the Capital

Annoyed, Yi Longwang walked out of her room, which was the exact moment a disciple of the Soaring Sword Sect was looking for her.

“Young master, a person is seeking an audience with you.”

“Who is it?”

“It’s Xiaolin Yue, from the Xiaolin Sect.”

The name ‘Xiaolin Yue’ startled the girl before she tried to compose herself within seconds.

“Bring her to the reception room and prohibit anyone else from entering. I’ll have a private audience with her,” Yi Longwang walked towards the reception room straight away.

It took them a short while for Xiaolin Yue to be led inside the reception room, by a disciple of the Soaring Sword Sect. One chair of the room was occupied by Yi Longwang, who was sitting in an elegant, courteous manner. The disciple then took his leave...

Xiaolin Yue and Yi Longwang looked at each other for a moment.