The Mysterious Clan

“Princess, I’ve heard of this from Leng Tian. He wasn’t sure himself whether your soul could follow Leng San to the far future, so he left the same message with me as a precaution. But you can set your mind at ease, princess, considering I am the only person having access to the information. Not even the mysterious clan members were aware of it,” said Bryson.

“Instructor, are you going to tell Leng San?”

“Hmm… at first, I thought I would tell. But after seeing your sudden appearance, given you know him well, I had to leave the task to you. You might have an idea of the appropriate time to tell him.”

“I appreciate that, instructor. Leave it to me. I’ll inform him of his real bloodline when the time comes.”

“And when do you think would be the proper time?

“At least Leng San has to achieve the high-level red stage qi to be able to protect his own secret!!”

“!!!!” Bryson was speechless before he continued.