Brother’s Promise

In the middle of the Noxious Fog Forest…

The Noxious Fog Forest, one of the three deadliest locations in the entire Black Tortoise Continent, spanning approximately ten thousand square kilometers, loomed an everlasting ebony acid fog. Whereas yellow qi-users and above could tolerate the pernicious fog, those with lower levels of qi would not have enough defensive capabilities to ward it off, causing irreversible damage to their internal organs.

Additionally, the area was the birthplace of countless high-level magical beasts. Some of them were even in the orange stage, making it nightmarish for anyone in the continent trying to visit.

But then, one man, undaunted, was stepping forward into the deep woods. For each and every step the man took, the acid fog would be dissipated by the stream of qi coating his body. Yellow magical beasts, as mighty as they were, would head for the hills as soon as they sensed the man’s presence within one kilometer of him.