Commotion in the Starry Jade Sect (4)

The atmosphere was getting gloomy. Ten thousand people could not say a word. Only the sound of Yi Kang getting punched could be heard. Right now there was no response from Yi Kang as the man had lost his consciousness from the pain. Only a low breath was heard from the victim. But Leng San still did not stop punching as if he wanted Yi Kang to become minced meat.

“Please, Young Master Leng. Please stop,” finally, Yi Xiaoxun could not tolerate the scene anymore. He himself wanted to rush in and stop Leng San, but he was being pinned to the floor by the pressure of Royal Intent. Even lifting his knees up was impossible.

“Hmm?” Leng San stopped punching, turning to the man with confusion.

“Y...Young Master, please have mercy. Yi Kang cannot survive for ten more breaths if you don’t stop,” without bringing himself up, Yi Xiaoxun knew well with his qi’s inspection that this was the absolute limit of Yi Kang. If Leng San did not stop, his son would be dead in the boy’s hand.