Crescent Moon Lightning Scythe

Being extremely worried, Leng San clenched his fist tight. If Leng Fandi’s condition went down south, he was ready to do anything to help as the man was one of the few relatives he had in this era.

“Calm down… little brat, do not underestimate the strength of your clan…” a voice said in his mind. The boy was ecstatic. It was Ji Gongyun’s voice.

“Master!! You’ve escaped from the formation,” Leng San responded in a whisper.

“Hmph! Do you think that crappy formation can stop Ji Gongyun? All it could do was just delay me by one or two breath-time,” Ji Gongyun complained with a criticized tone.

“Eh...Didn’t you tell me to escape? And that it would take you about one incense stick-time to destroy the formation!?” the boy furrowed his brows.

“Haha, I just wanted to see whether you could escape from an orange stager.”


Leng San frowned. He wanted to scream at the old geezer.