Portal Gate

"Kid... will I send you to your death? Although I'm not sure if you will be able to cross the dimension to the Azure Dragon Continent, I'm sure you will be safe. If it fails, you just have to travel with me, and it will only take one year longer." Ji Gongyun said in a powerful and firm tone of voice, showing great confidence.

"Old man, how do you ensure that your portal will be stable enough when no one has ever been able to build it so stably throughout the past ten thousand years? It has been documented that even the portal built by the strong red stagers in the past was not stable enough. And you are only an orange stager." Leng San remained unsure of Ji Gongyun's words.

"How about... your Runic Room?" asked Ji Gongyun, as if pointing at the boy's fatal spot.

"!!!!!" Leng San clearly showed a stunning expression. The Runic Room was considered his final blow. Apart from Freya, he never brought it out to anyone and never told anyone, even Ji Gongyun.