The Incident in the Village

“Pushing a wheelchair along the brook,

Looking at the horse running through the woods,

Turning back to me… it's a sad story.”

Leng San sang as he let out a heavy breath…

“I didn’t expect you to be a poetry expert, too,” said the small man named Wang Chow, who had been lying next to Leng San's bed in the camp house. He was one of the three inner disciples of the Department of Medicine and Apothecary in the same procession with Leng San by accident.

“Just a bit of it. When I turn to see that horse running in the middle of the forest, I can't help but think of myself in a wheelchair like this,” Leng San replied with a sad expression.

“Given the completeness of your legs, you should not be crippled congenitally. The paralysis is probably caused by some nerve damage. I have some knowledge in this field. If you don't mind, can I take a look?” Wang Chow asked.