The Arrival of the New Judge

“Are you sure that you have a plan, Lu San?” asked Fu Chaihe, repeating as he showed a solemn expression.

“Elder Fu, please count on me. Today, I, Lu San, will make the Medical Saint Institute realize that the tricks that they've dedicated themselves to will all become the tools that we use to humiliate them!!” Leng San faintly smiled.

Everyone in the Institute that saw Leng San's smile couldn't help but feel a chill running down their spine.

“Alright, let's start preparing the herbs. Wang Chow, you watch the patients after the medication…” Leng San said.

“Yes. Leave it to me.” Wang Chow did not feel bad for taking this role at all. He could not help but be excited to see Lu San cook the medicines because Lu San said that he would cook all ninety-five formulas according to the ratio for each person properly, so the medicines’ effects could display more quickly. And Lu San also said that he could do it all by himself within two shichens!!