Shen Longhai

Leng San's eyes suddenly flashed brighter!!

With a high degree of concentration from Leng San's determination, hundreds of pictures of the large key that floated in the foreground were engraved into his mind as a clear memory, overlapping countless times, so Leng San could zoom in and out on the key in his memory!!

This was the second time that Leng San felt this way. The first time happened when Leng San stared into a fire before he could form the Fire Essence into Freya's fire body.

Leng San was pleasantly surprised that this large key could be engraved into his memory. It was extremely like a trick that could be engraved directly into his mind, making it unforgettable.

"What is this big key? It is not just an ordinary metal object, but it has some secrets in it!!” Leng San thought in his mind as he opened his eyes wider. The more he focused on this large key, he felt like he knew something!!