The showdown continued...
In the second match of Line Two, Wu Mengde, the fourth place in the Martial Arts Department and Zhuque Ming's right hand, clashed with the ninth place, Gong Shushu, one beautiful girl of the Ten Heavenly Daughters.
This match, despite being an interesting match, unfortunately, was held after Wei Du and Qinglong Ge's spectacular showdown, making it look greatly dull.
Wu Mengde showed an unparalleled skill and defeated Gong Shushu in a hundred moves, passing to the next round to meet Wei Du who won over Qinglong Ge in the last round.
The third match of Line Two was the match of Xiu Wangya, the second place in the Martial Arts Department, versus the thirteenth place, Tao Mingye. Of course, just when Xiu Wangya went up on the stage, the surrounding sounds immediately burst.