Weight of Voice

“Not only did we meet… we also got to know each other very well… And it was also me, Leng San, who killed Lan Yang with my own hands!!”

At the end of Leng San's voice, the eyes of the five men widened, but their expressions still did not change much… probably because they had heard the rumor for a while, they just had not believed it, since they knew the malice of Lan Yang… But this time, the words came out directly from Leng San's mouth.

The big man in a golden mask let out a strong breath once... before saying...

"Hm... completely ridiculous!! Young Master Lan, even if he's the highest-level yellow stager, he is only waiting to adjust his qi to be the most stable before breaking into the orange stage. If he wants to advance his level, he can do it at any time...