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Inside the runic room...

Yu Jing, Fong Tao, Hong Yao, Ke Tian, and Du Yuanpiao, when came inside the runic room, found that it was just a closed room with nothing… There was only a large board made of adamantite…

At the top of the board, there was another layer of a circular board. On the circular board, written only four letters, which meant North, South, East, and West, as if it was a compass that showed the direction. But strangely enough, it was only a circular board without a pin or a needle that should be in the middle.

The five of them showed puzzled looks, and they did not even understand what the runic room was, or even how the board in front of them worked.

Leng San, after saying goodbye to the elders of the Azure Dragon Sects, closed the door… Although the runic room was completely dark, it did not have any effect on the sharp senses of the six people who were inside the room…