The Whole Story...

Leng San was extremely shocked by the speed of Ming Yao... Of course, if the speed of the Ming Yao was this terrifying, Leng San would not have the ability to follow up in time... Leng San slowed down his footsteps while carrying the feeling of defeat...

“You idiot!! Don’t give up!! Hurry up and follow him... Although the Viper King can explode the enormous power of that trick... don't forget that it is only the body of a non-martial artist who is only fourteen years old!! Even if it is the Viper King, he should only be able to use that level of power for a few breaths-time!! Otherwise, the body of the child would be broken to pieces,” Freya reminded Leng San.

Leng San’s eyes shone with determination again... before he rushed after the Viper King!!

But in the end, Leng San could not keep up with him, or find the trace of the Viper King...

“He really flees like a snake, there is no trace of him left…” Leng San cursed… but then he took out one thing from his dimensional storage…