Ling Lun's Confidence (1)

Leng San tried to explore to find out more, but in the end, there was nothing more to do than to learn about the sixteen fortresses. Finally, it was an announcement of the results and the closing ceremony of today ended. The experts who had gathered at the tournament stage dispersed and went back to their places.

Leng San had to give up his mission today because there were too many risk factors of being found.

At the campground of Sub-branch Seven

In a large meeting room for planning for the competition...

“Lu San… explain to me why you waived today's competition!!” Fu Duanzhi tried to force an answer.

“I have diarrhea,” Leng San replied in an indifferent voice, crossing his arms over his chest and showing an innocent face.

“Darn… you brat!! Are you a normal villager to claim such a nonsense reason?! Which expert will have diarrhea?!!” Fu Duanzhi scolded Leng San big time.