Carrying the Risk...

“This year's winner of the Runology Department’s Competition... is the representatives from Sub-branch Seven!!” The referee on the stage announced.


Once again, the people of Sub-branch Seven roared with great joy. From having always been the last place within the Bonding Event of the Eight Branches, this time, Sub-branch seven had won two successive competitions!!

“Master, the pattern that the young man used a moment ago… did I not imagine things?” Fang Wei asked Ye Chen while frowning.

“Yeah… it's a pattern from another field of runology… different from runic weapons and runic areas. I don't know if the boy invented it by himself or inherited it from any expert whose enlightenment is different from ours.

Brother Shen, was it you who taught him that pattern?" Ye Chen could not help but glance at Shen Duliu.