The Secret of the Castle

On the main waters, in the southernmost area of the Lightning Kirin Ocean...

“Kya! Kya! Kya!!”

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Who are these two monsters?! The Chief of the eighteenth fleet was also defeated in an instant!!"

Sailors jumped off the boat shakily. The two minors broke through the group of enemies like two tigers among a herd of sheep on a battleship of the Island of Happiness. In just a few breaths they could drive all the sailors away.

Gui Yeza headed for the treasury inside the ship but came back empty-handed. With anger, he punched the mast of the boat so severely that it shattered into pieces. The two, then, ran over the water’s surface back to their own ship, which was not far away.