Vermilion Bird King (2)

“Hehe… who told you I was alive? I was already dead ten thousand years ago...

At the hands of your heir, like that boy!!"

Bird King roared angrily.

The entire one-hundred-and-fourteenth floor was shaken by the anger of Bird King.

Azure Dragon King's spirit went still for a moment before saying...

"My Bird Friend, we are both the last two Zodiac Beasts that still survive. Oh, wait! I am just a spirit, so I don’t actually survive.

For the sake of our relationship, please hear my request…” Azure Dragon King’s spirit used a pleading tone.

“Haha! Haha! Azure Dragon, why don't you force me like you forced Sky-Devouring Viper King?” Bird King snapped back.

The look on the face of the Azure Dragon King's spirit was not so good. Bird King continued...

"Don't want to say it out loud? Then I will say it… you do not dare to force me because you are now weaker than me!! It is true that you used to be the strongest of the four planets, but not anymore!!