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“Freya… Qinglong Fei's Hidden Asura Assassin Technique and your God Blink Technique are similar skills, right? What exactly is the principle of these techniques? Why even my Dragon Sense cannot detect their movement?” Leng San asked because he ran out of an idea.

"Overall, they are considered similar, only that the Hidden Asura Assassin leaves black smoke behind, but the God Blink leaves no trace.

It is to combine many skills in one movement... afterimage creating, trace erasing, and illusion using. The process is to create an afterimage that leaves qi identity to deceive the other party’s qi sense, then completely erase one’s trace, move quickly to a specific point, and use an illusion to change the afterimage to black smoke.

In short, it is a high-speed movement skill that can also deceive the five senses, as well as the qi sense, completely.” Freya explained the technique.