Leng Ri

“Who are you? Why did you enter our garden?” Her voice revealed a little fright she felt for Wei Du.

Wei Du froze for a moment. His words stuck in his throat… “I…I…”

Thinking about it, Wei Du hardly ever talked to any woman for the entire life of nineteen years. He had a bit of experience with it from only Nie Xiaowa and Ling Zhuyue, the two young women who were his friends in the ninth-generation Green Dragon group!!

The young man was nervous to the extreme. He blushed clearly when he had to have a conversation with the only sixteen-year-old, beautiful young lady.

“My name is Wei Du.” By the time the boy finished his sentence, several breaths had passed.

“My name is Leng Ri. This is my home garden… and I have never met an outsider other than my brother. How did you get in? There is no way for a stranger to stray into this garden.” Seeing Wei Du's nervous expression, Leng Ri’s fear reduced considerably.