Stone Warrior

Leng San could feel the huge flow of power flaring over the entire castle. In fact, it was almost impossible, since the entire castle was full of formations to block all the senses.

"Or... if I stay in this room, which is like the heart of the castle, I can feel everything in this castle?!"

A hypothesis was made about immediately... before Leng San spread his senses, using the foreground runic board as the medium.

And it was as Leng San had predicted. Leng San could feel as if this castle was part of his body when he linked to the runic board in the foreground.

Leng San could see every room within the castle from the board just by focusing on the position. He could even see outside the castle in every direction from the board.

“This pattern is… very complicated yet using the smallest number of characters to synchronize it. Grandfather is amazing!!”