The Poison Curtain

“Who the hell are you?!!!”

The old viper screamed because he was not familiar with the silver-scaled Sea Viper below him. And that viper could also create ten poison bombs at once. It could not be an ordinary Sea Viper General.

The boy smiled in return but chose to keep his head down, not wanting the old snake to have a clear view of his face. It was not difficult for Leng San to create black-scaled lines like those of Sea Vipers.

But while the old viper was about to drag the silver-scaled viper from the ocean floor to explain his actions, the old viper could feel the enormous pressure that emanated to threaten him.

The Heavenly Fish King was furious to the extreme!! Of course, the poison bomb could not deal any harm to the Red-stage King, but its black poison mist dyed his beautiful long silver hair black!! And the poison could not be washed off easily!!