Steal (2)

“Achieve the seventh level of the orange stage.”

Also, he was one reach away from the eighth level of the orange stage. Leng San perceived greater strength, including the density of his qi and the strength of his body, muscles, and bones. Unfortunately, it was not enough to make Leng San’s power to be comparable to the advanced Emperor Class.

Leng San's peak was still at only the eighth level of the orange stage because of the enormous gap of the Emperor Class, even though he was only a hair's breadth away from the ninth level.

“Two hundred drops can only escalate my power this much?” Leng San complained a bit. The greater power gaps made the use of the Paleolithic Venom less and less.

Then, Leng San glanced greedily at the old viper, who still had quite an amount of Paleolithic Venom. Of course, that would be enough to raise Leng San's power to the next level!!