The Arrival of the Queen

The poisonous curtain could block even the Sea Viper Clan, let alone Leng San. Even worse, in terms of strength, it was almost comparable to the Divine-Class power curtain that could not be easily destroyed.

“Fine!! With my Will of Poison, I will suck this venom curtain and turn it into Poison Soldiers in case of emergency,” Leng San said, preparing to touch the venom curtain.

“Don't do something that stupid. But if it’s your death wish, I won’t stop you,” said the old viper in an ordinary tone.

“What do you mean?” Leng San froze.

“What you call the Will of Poison is probably a poison-controlling skill similar to my King of Poison skill. In comparison, your Will of Poison is still inferior to my King’s skill, and the Queen of Sea Vipers has the same level of poison-controlling skill as that of your Will of Poison.