True Water Protection Technique

The Black Tortoise King’s stunned face began to turn into an ugly twist!!

“You… dare to come and claim the reward from me, even though you haven't fulfilled the tasks given to you? I knew that you were stingy beyond anyone and into your black bones, but I didn't think that you would be so shameless to this extent.”

Leng San grinned shyly like he was not bothered by those words at all.

“Black Tortoise King, don't scold the minor. Giving up just a number of your Rainbow Shell shards that I want will not affect your enormous body size, which is as big as a heavenly mountain.

But if you refuse... well, I might lose a way to drag the Viper King back to this tower. You should know how wicked the Old Snake is. I almost died so many times.

Er, but it is not certain that, within these hundred years, there may be more capable tower conquerors that you can count on instead of an incompetent person like myself," Leng San said, sighing as he went on.