The Divine God

“Where are you going in such a hurry? Didn't you just say a moment ago that... if the god weapon was really in the toilet, you would jump into a pile of stools to search for it?"

The face of the old drunkard even turned purple.

“L… Lu San… were you drunk and heard things?”

“Drunk, my ass!! I didn't even drink with you!!”

Leng San could not help it when he had the chance to get it back.

Fu Duanzhi’s face slightly turned worse before he looked at the old toilet in the back while raising the corner of his mouth a little.

Leng San, who had been with Fu Duanzhi for a long time, knew right away that...

The old drunkard was beginning to twist his own words.

When Leng San ran to block his way, nothing stood between the old man and the toilet anymore!! Fu Duanzhi blew up his kick dance from a distance, meaning to destroy the toilet with the skill of the advanced King Class!!

"Thunderous Storm Wave Kick Dance!!"