Infiltrate the Mind

After organizing everything, the young man temporarily relieved himself of his duties and came to live with his two wives, like a common husband. Leng San took the two girls to travel to different places each day across the four continents.

Everywhere that Leng San traveled, he was very welcome. Leng San's reputation and face were known throughout the martial world.

Wei Du stayed at the Xuanwu Palace. Some days, he would take Leng Ri and Xuanwu Yifei for a walk in the capital. Sometimes he even had to carry some bags for the two girls, but the face of the young man showed that he was extremely willing to do it. Also, sometimes when Leng San found an interesting place, he would suggest Wei Du take these two girls as well, with his King-Moving Dragon.

It was a happy time that the two young men rarely had.