Visiting the Crescent Moon Sect (2)

Yu Jing took Mu Lingling to a big pavilion in a garden.

“Let go of me. Even though no one sees us, we should not do this.” She shook his hand off but still did not look at Yu Jing's face.

Even though Yu Jing was over a hundred years old, with the power of the extreme Yin Qi, the Winter Qi, which he practiced, he did not look too old compared to the experts of the same age. Before that, Yu Jing had a long beard because he wanted to look mature and formidable.

But after the last battle and his taking the position of the Supreme Elder of the Azure Dragon Sect’s branch, his beard was now shaved until he looked like a young man in his late forties. Only his white hair indicated his aging state, but his elegance as an expert was still obvious.

“Lingling, it is time for us to seriously discuss this. Before this, with my goal and obligation, I could not devote everything to you. But now that I have nothing else left to care about…