Movement in the Other Realms

Raphael immediately trembled when the name of the Holy Land was uttered.

“T… the Lord of the Holy Land…”

The Solar God Queen smirked from the corner of her mouth.

“It is true that you are several levels weaker than me, but compared to the people in the Solar God Temple, your power level is enough to actually claim the position of the Solar God King. Why have I never heard of your name before?”

Raphael was silent for a moment. Raphael had become used to reading the thoughts of those he spoke to. This was the first time in one thousand and five hundred years that he had no access to the conversation partner's thoughts. And the other party was much stronger than himself, so she was difficult to deal with.

“Whether I answer that question or not, you will kill me for being a rebel,” Raphael clamored through his teeth.