Worst Enemy (2)

“Bastard Leng San!!” Fang Wei clamored through his teeth.

Leng San glanced up at the top of the tree, where Little White was carrying the body of the badly wounded Jo A.

“Little White, quickly take Jo A to Arthur, to the position that I have told you. I will hurry to follow you.”

Little White slightly pouted because she did not want to part with Leng San.

“Hurry up. Jo A's injuries are in critical condition. After everything is done, I will give you a jujube you like, okay?” Leng San said it with a smile.

When she heard that, Little White immediately smiled.

“Acknowledged, Master.”

The girl flew directly in one direction at an enormous speed. At least under Little White’s care, Leng San was convinced that Jo A would reach Arthur without trouble. Even though Leng San wanted to take him in person, when he came across the enemy, he could not let the chance go. Killing Fang Wei was considered another way to save the Human Realm.