Qi Stone

“That's what you have to pay for this mistake, Kairos,” Leng Er said in a cold voice after using Kairos's right hand to kill the general, who had been fighting alongside him for so long.

It was well known throughout the Asura Realm that Supreme Commander Kairos loved his friends and subordinates, so he was always loved back by his subordinates. Killing one of the generals, who was comparable to family members, would cause Kairos terrible pain!!

Leng Er intervened with only one of Kairos' eyes, so Kairos could still see everything from the other eye. Kairos trembled, with veins on his temples swollen. It was clear how angry he was.

“Won't you say something?” Leng Er's black shadow asked before raising his right hand, which was wrapped in the Dark Qi, again and aiming at the rest of the generals. It was a clear warning for Kairos to be careful with his next words, and it was to show his invincible power to be evident.