The Departure of God Zhu

Leng San and Gui Yeza suddenly jumped in and buried their fists on the huge head of Ye Niuhong at the same time, without an appointment, causing Ye Niuhong's face to almost fall on his face.

"Wh... what the hell are you doing?!" The cow beast immediately roared.

Leng San's face was grumpy. The knuckles in his right hand rang.

“That's my question!! How dare you use that word as God Zhu, who is like my uncle master?”

Gui Yeza moved his head left and right so violently that the sound of the neck bone rang out. His eyes were stern.

“Dumb cow!! If you dare disrespect my benefactor again, the horns on your head will surely be hung on the wall in my house!!”

Ye Niuhong’s face was twisted and ugly.

God Zhu was not offended by him and even laughed.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Don’t mind him, and let him be. This cow beast is really similar to God Niu."