Three forces of the Deva Realm...
“What?! You failed? And you failed so badly that Raphael was killed? What is it all about? The Angel Fairy Queen should not have that much power left. Besides, you had the Anti-Botanical Jade, so how could you still fail?” Athena's expression changed immediately after Rosé came back to report her on the mission.
“Dear Master Athena, there were other factors that occurred and destroyed our whole plan... It was the coincidental presence of a young boy named Leng San. He could defeat Raphael in a short time. If I have to assess the strength of the young boy, he is expected to be no different from the Thunder God Pavilion Lord and Governor Zhu Hadin...”
“!!!!!!!!!!!” Rosé’s report caused the Thunder God Pavilion Lord and Zhu Hadin to glance at her with surprise. But Athena’s eyes only changed for a moment when she heard that Leng San was there.
“Leng San again?” Athena immediately showed a contemplative expression.