Forwarding Hope...

Leng Yi showed a dark expression, standing over the head of the golden dragon, which was swimming through the sky...

"!!!!!!!!!!!" Leng Er, who was about to defeat the Above-Heaven Stallion, even showed a stunned look on his face.

“Damn it!! Leng Yi, how does he dare show up?”

Leng Yi looked down from the sky. But his gaze was not directed at Leng Er, his sworn enemy. Instead, he looked directly at the panicked girl below... Leng Yi's eyes suddenly hardened with his killing intent, which spread and replaced the dark cloud in the sky...

“Athena!! Bitch!!”

Leng Yi spread his wings and stopped in the middle of the sky, but the immense golden dragon did not stop, still swimming through the air quickly and rushing towards Athena while roaring thunderously until the earth shook. It was the power generated by the Celestial Throne!! Its destructive power was beyond estimation.