The Trio (2)

Although Marcus and Shura were rushing to the Moonlight Land, the place was almost on the opposite side of the Moon Star, so it still took the experts several shichens to arrive...

With the strong dimension of the Moon Star, teleporting could not be done. Even Leng San could not customize the King-Moving Dragon to use on this star. It was only necessary to rely on Wei Du’s Solar Pace.

Leng Yi had Antonio, who supported this issue, so Leng Er being void of an expert to use the Solar Pace skill was one of the drawbacks in this war. It also caused him damage before...

But at this time, both Marcus and Shura stood still in the sky.

They also radiated a terrifying aura until the atmosphere in the sky changed.

“How could Balor be defeated?! How dare he disgrace my father!!” Marcus raised his voice in burning anger.