On the red path...
Marcus, who was accompanied by Barthory, continued to use his qi power to open a path through the sea of fire without any other obstacles. There was only a wide path ahead of them, but no destination to be seen...
At that moment, Barthory the Witch suddenly stopped, sensing some changes in her right hand. She opened her eyes, knowing that this was the time intervention of Beast God Leng Er, her master!!
Marcus himself also had to stop, and he was not happy about it.
“What happened?! If you don’t hurry up, I will leave you here!!”
“Lord Leng Er tries to contact me,” she said with a look of delight.
“What?! Father?!” Marcus immediately opened his eyes wide.
At that moment, a dark shadow appeared slowly on her palm...
“Barthory… are you still with Marcus?” His voice sounded weaker than ever.
“I'm here, Father…” Marcus replied honestly.
Leng Er's sigh softly sounded.
“I have something important to tell you.”