It's the cheap copy only fools will fall for it." I heard Lance murmur and I met his gaze.
"How do you know?" My words were low just enough for him to hear with all the noise going around. Lance turned to look at me, "Janga was a greedy woman so is her son. You think that stupid boy will sell his mothers crown for 5million? They made fake copies of the same thing to fool people like them." He raised his hands and a man handed an auction paddle to him.
"Tell me when you see something you like." I nodded and returned my gaze to the event going on. I've almost forgotten lance is royalty that's why he knows a lot about them. I was married to now just a strangely rich man, but also to a prince.
Though I'm yet to know a thing about him or his family even if I've met them and stayed there for days, I ready to wait to be informed in his time.
"Are you the crowned prince?" He grey eyes met mine.