Alexander had created a miracle

Alexander and Turkey passed through the towering gates of the castle, returning to the City of Hope.

He ascended to the city walls, gazing down upon the city.

Despite the City of Hope boasting twelve complete structures, the sight of countless ruins and the scars of war weighed heavily on him when viewed from this vantage point.

Alexander closed his eyes, as if traveling through time and space to two thousand years ago, envisioning the once-thriving City of Hope.

In this imagined realm, the City of Hope radiated vitality and prosperity. 

The markets were bustling, merchants hawking all manner of exotic treasures. Craftsmen in shops and workshops along the streets diligently crafted beautiful artifacts. Children chased each other in the squares, their laughter filling the air.

High above, griffon riders soared under the blue sky, showcasing their handsome forms and strong wings.