What does a god really look like?

Alexander returned to his house, where Amelia was practicing in her room. It was noon.

"The divine apparition..." Alexander sat in the chair at his desk, his gaze reflective. He was quite certain that the apparition on Mount Skythunder was unlikely related to any god. However, the mention of a god stirred a long-dormant memory in him.

Back before the year 2500, gods, though rare, were often the subject of legends. At that time, gods were not as unreachable as they are today. 

When Alexander was much younger, he had asked a friend what exactly a god was.

"What do you think a god is?" William had countered.

"I don't know, just a very powerful person, I guess," a young Alexander had replied, truly having no concept of gods at the time.

"Then a god is just a very powerful person," William had said. "The god you envision is what a god is to you. The gods others speak of are what they are to them."