Chapter 2: A Wandering Noble

Tossing and turning, the sound of the seagulls echoed in the room where other people are sleeping as well. The beds are hammocks, separated into rows and each hammock has a little satchel or a hook to place their belongings with. For a shared room, it is cool since the sea breeze is cool and the collective heat of the beings in the room made the room a bit cozy, to say the least. Each hammock is old but clean, and the items are well maintained, ensuring that even if this is a commoner vessel, the quality of comfort in the travel is present. The items of furniture like tables and chairs are bolted to prevent them from sliding down and about as the boat rocks when strong waves hit. So far, almost all the ships have a gyrator stabilizer installed so the small and medium waves are tolerable. But if it's a storm coming, the Gyrator Stabilizers cannot calculate and stabilize the boat to safety, and some storms are so strong that huge ships are getting toppled over by the waves. So far, the journey had been smooth going to the Western Continent of Laginaple. The time is mid-morning when the ships arrive at the central port of Constina.

Shin woke up, feeling well-rested after he traveled a month and a half from his homeland of Japan. His country is from the far east, so going there and coming to the Western Continent will take longer by boat than by airship. But he wanted to keep his budget to a minimum in case he needs it, as well as hide his identity from the people coming after him. He wanted to make a name for himself in a land where nobody knows him, hoping that the influence of his enemies won't reach even the North, West, the rest of the East, and the South of Essaterra.

He looked around, wondering if anyone recognizes him. When he sees that no one is batting an eye who he is, he sighed with relief, knowing full well that he's not going to be hunted today, which is a change of pace considering that most people are hunting him to kill him, which is hired by his enemies.

He sighed, looking at the orb that his parents had left him. It is useful in a way because it has a magical property known as a Pocket Dimension Item Box, which serves as storage for his things, as well as a Master Device Control, indicating that his orb never gets far away from him and it comes back even if he throws the orb away. He plays with his orb, throwing it upwards and catching it with his right hand, then throwing it up again only to catch it with his left. He smiled, remembering memories, whether good or bad, that his orb has provided him before he puts it back in his pocket.

He gets up from the hammock, doing a bit of stretching before setting out, watching the other people walking out of the room, and wanting to witness the ship coming closer to the docks. Standing up at 5'10, he reaches the ceiling as he stretches as far and as wide as he can. He crackles his arms, legs, fingers, and neck and then he would set out, walking towards the Helm where the people are watching the Dolphins jump in and out of the water. The seagulls can't stop squawking, indicating that there's land. He smiles, smelling the nice sea air as he can also smell the different air of the West. He feels excited, knowing that no one is out there to kill him, and him not running away for his life.

He waited for a few moments for the ship to completely stop and lay down the Bridge for them to disembark. He can hear various languages, mostly unrecognizable, but knowing this, he knows that every living being in this world uses the Common Language. He hears about sales, and some recruiting to the Hunter's Guild. To make money, he needs to do stuff so he can get started on a new life on this continent.

After the Bridge was lowered, he wasted no time disembarking and would check everything that was in store for him, excited to see Constina Port. He muttered to himself.

"Okay... First things first, make money. And since I have the talent for a lot of things, I'll ask the Hunter's Guild for a job."

He walks toward the person recruiting for the Hunter's Guild and asks for directions on how to get to the Guild. The recruiter just points in the direction of the Tavern and told Shin.

"The Tavern is at the Port Royale, which is just over there. The Tavern's name is 'The Lucky Sturgeon'. You can't miss it."

Shin nodded, looking at the distance, seeing the sign of 'The Lucky Sturgeon' just 60 ft from where he was standing. Shin thanked the recruiter and headed for the Tavern.

As he entered, he was in awe. Truly he knows that he's on a different continent. The Tavern's design is old and rustic, made with black ebony wood and metal that, in years that stood in the test of time, have been colored grey from wear and tear. The posts and foundations of the Tavern have some chips here and there, a mark of a barfight here, an unknown stain there and all corners of the Tavern have its lore, but that will be for another time.

An Eastern Woman is standing in attention to the Reception of the Hunter's Guild. She's 5'0, with long black hair flowing straight down on her shoulders, wearing the standard Hunter's Guild Uniform, which is a blue business wear with a plain blue plaid skirt. When she saw Shin, her eyes widens and was about to do what she suppose to do when meeting with royalty but Shin stopped her and told her.

"I am running away from home due to what happened. If the news in the East hasn't reached here, then it gives me relief, perfect for hiding. My enemies are everywhere and I can't afford to die. Is that understood?"

The Guildswoman nodded and smiled. She greeted him just as an ordinary person would, but has the distinct tone of respect as one should.

"Hello and welcome to the Lucky Sturgeon and the Hunter's Guild. How may I be of assistance, sir?"

"I would like to be registered as a Hunter, please. I need cash to survive."

"Right away, sir!"

She said, taking out some papers and then handing them to him. Shin, knowing how to read and write, writes his alternate name, Shinryu Gitsunae. He also applied illusory writing so for the people who would look at his name will look at it and see the alternate name, but in reality, he wrote his name, and knowing this, the Guildswoman nodded and told him.

"Please wait while we process your Hunter's License. In the meantime, you can order something. I recommend the mead. It's delicious with anything meaty."

"Thank you... umm..."

"It's Yuri, sir."

Shin nodded, smiling at her, watching her as she goes away to process his papers. He sighed, looking around and finding a seat. He found a seat near the bar and ordered something to eat. He chose to eat a steak meal and some mead, having the guildswoman recommend it. He eats what Yuri had recommended. Surprisingly, it was delicious, the juiciness of the steak pairs up with the mead they're selling. He eats until he can't anymore. After eating, he is still waiting for the papers to process. Out of boredom, he slept in the bar, waiting for his Hunter License patiently. It was almost evening when the papers are finally done, with Shin just sleeping while seated. Yuri wakes up the sleeping Shin, nudging him gently to wake him up. Shin groaned and rubbed his eyes, yawned, and blinked twice.

"I'm sorry for taking so long, sir. The papers are done and you're now registered as a Hunter Rank G. Here you go."

Her smile never faded, giving the Hunter ID Card to him, and nodded as Shin receives the Card, taking it into his pocket where the Orb is, storing it.

"You may also avail of the Lodging Services too, sir. And just so happens that we have a room for you."

She also gives a room key, having the tag '010'. He nodded and thanked Yuri, then ordered more of the steak and mead as he puts the room key in his pocket. She nods and granted that order right away. While waiting for his order, Shin hears something that he wasn't expecting to hear.

"Long ago in a distant land, in the East, far from the land we are now, resides a Clan of Foxes who are the Supreme Commanders of the collective clans of Foxes and alliances of different beings. All were at peace until it was disturbed by the greed of the Wolf Clan, setting ablaze for anything they touch. The collective clans tried to defend their people as best they could, but the Wolves, as well as their allies and cohorts, manage to defeat the current leadership. The Fox Clan, the paragon of honor and justice, was bested by evil and deceit. On the day the Fox Clan was wiped out, the men and young boys are being slaughtered like pigs, and the women and little girls are raped and killed or used as a breeding seedbed for their cruel machinations. The people knew that the Clan was bested through combat, but in reality, the Wolf Clan poisoned most of the people, sealing off their power during the young prince's birthday."

The storyteller, an old man, tells a tall tale about what he heard in his travels. The people around him listen as the dim light of the Tavern illuminates only by the lamp by the proximity of the old man, nestled by the table on a lampstand. The old man stood on his chair and put his right foot down on the seat. Standing at 5'6, with white hair on the side and a balding top. His skin is rather tan from collecting too much sun during his sailing. He wears a captain's uniform with the Empire's seal on the left chest on the uniform. He is also wearing a coat to keep warm from the cold night. The one noticeable thing when you see him for the first time is that the old man has an eyepatch on his left eye. People have asked him how he got his eyepatch, seeing that the old man can see with two eyes. It's also a legend from another time. Shin is listening intently, hearing that the 'legend' is almost accurate information on what happened to his Clan. His gentle smile hides anger that he can't extinguish. He is out for Vengeance.

Various sights smells and sounds can be smelled, heard, and seen in the Tavern. People are dancing, drinking, singing, and having a fun time, having no one causing trouble just yet, for it is the early evening, after all. The old man continued his tall tale as the majority of the people in the tavern are listening to him.

"Rumor has it that the forest where the Fox Clan was residing is cursed and those who wanted to venture in those very woods never return. Legend has it that the young prince's spirit has become vengeful, evil even, and became what the Easterners call, an 'Azakashi' or "Zasshi" for short. The Zasshi is some form of demon who never dies, similar to a Revenant here in the West. They seek the person who wronged them and when the Oppressor or the source of the anger is killed, their soul will be appeased and will peacefully leave this world. At this very moment, the vengeful Zasshi Prince is roaming the world, searching for clues on anything about the people who wronged him. He will stop at nothing to kill them, down to the last bones and molecule, having no trace of their bloodline, just like what they did to the poor prince and his family."

Some of the people scoff it off, some snickered, thinking it was a joke. Some are scared, quaking in their boots and holding on to their cups, downing their drinks while the couples would hug tightly and the person in the relationship whispers that they were going to protect their lover, putting their partner at ease. Some would say that they can beat the living hell out of the Zasshi and give it peace themselves, flexing how strong they are. The old man continued.

"Rumors are spreading around that the Zasshi has been found in this continent of Laginaple! And even have victims already for standing in its way!"

The people gasped and murmured, then the old man continued after the murmurs died down.

"We must be vigilant. The Zasshi could be anywhere!"

Out of curiosity, one of the audience asked the old man.

"How do we know if we have found and met this monster?"

The old man answered.

"He floats in mid-air and his steps are neigh quiet for it being normal even if there are leaves or any loud things that even the smallest of critters can hear. Plus, his blade glows in hellish red whenever he draws it. His blade never gets dull as if he's sharpening his sword through the victim's bones as he kills them. Some say it is a sword that can cut through anything as if his slashes are those that can cut the dimensions itself!"

The people gasp, looking at each other. Some laughed, telling that the old man is talking nonsense. Others talk if the rumors are true and connect them to other rumors they heard about the legend that the old man has said. Some would start scrambling for the Job Request Board to see if this 'Zasshi' monster has a bounty yet, being that it is new in the continent. Talks continue as other Hunters swear to hunt down this monster to protect the people, and most would be for making their name known, and want to be famous for taking down the "immortal" monster.

Shin, as curious as he is, checks the Job Quest and sees a peculiar Job Sign. He looks at the job. In ordinary eyes, the job is to be a bodyguard of a noble family that has connections with the Crown. With eyes like him, or anyone with an eye like his would see the illusory writing asking for assistance in killing the noble family. It is peculiar that an honorary family is hiring a Hunter with such a low rank, but it is still something he can do, and being a simple mission at that. Some will pass this Job Request as a prank, but not Shin. The Job Request called to him as if fate is pulling the strings for him. He picked up the job request and go to Yuri for it to be approved.

"Yuri, are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

He asked her, not knowing if she sees illusion magic as he does, but her reaction proves his suspicions.

"Umm... No sir. I apologize if I don't see what you see, but I can tell that you wanted to be on bodyguard duty for a well-known noble family as your first mission as a Hunter, is that right, sir?"

Shin nodded. She continued, saying.

"Very well. I will let the family know that you are here to take the Bodyguard duty. May I have your ID please?"

She asks and Shin hands out his ID, scanning it using a crystal, and then gives it back. She tells him with a smile.

"Thank you for registering, Sir Gitsunae. Once you're ready, you will use the Guild's carriage to get to the Manor. There you will meet the client. You will know the Family's Name since they don't hand it out in the open for suspicions of assassins."

Shin raised his eyebrow, not believing what Yuri is saying. What? The constant threat of Assassinations? It is true that if you're a noble, your life is in constant danger, fearing that someone will take you or your loved ones for ransom, or else, people killing you to take whatever you have. Some noble families hire assassins to kill their kin, their own flesh and blood without them lifting their dirty, grubby hands. He is familiar with it, knowing that other families do that to themselves. It's a good thing that his own family isn't like that. They are in one mind and in unity, having the same goal, and growing together. Killing? He is also familiar, having already taken the life of someone. It just so happens that this mission has that nature, but he would need to be sure if it is a legitimate mission. If it is just a prank, then he will pass it as a prank, forgetting that it never happened. At least he is taking an easy mission, protecting someone as his first job.

He takes the Job Request, taking his ID card, and the job order receipt, putting it all in his pocket. Shin requested that he will rest tonight, as it is the evening, and doing the job starting tomorrow because he is exhausted from his travels. Yuri nods and shows him his room. She leads him to the second floor where the room is, located at the last door to the right. The room is rather cozy, with windows of the room positioned at the two sides of the room, making him see the moonlight above and the city below. The city's lights are like stars, shining brightly in the night. Shin smiled, complimenting Yuri on the choice of room. She let him be so he can rest soundly. After Shin closes the door, he plopped on the bed and slept.

It was mid-morning when Shin woke up. He came down to the Tavern, ate breakfast, and greeted Yuri, letting her know he is ready. She stepped out of the counter and leads Shin to the door, going outside to check and see the carriage. Shin is in awe of what kind of Carriage it is. The horses are made of metal and they also have a crystal embedded in their forehead, looking like a unicorn. The carriage itself is big, enough for a party of 8 people to ride the back. The driver is waiting, seated down, and eating his sandwich. Shin is the only one who accepted the mission.

"Ah, so you're the one?"

Shin nodded, smiling at the coachman. They shook hands after Shin rides the Carriage. Yuri and Shin waved farewell to one another as he is off to his first mission. The coachman introduces himself as "George Applebee". He stands at 6'0, has dark skin, wearing the Guild's Coachman Uniform. Shin Shin almost slipped his true name, but he corrected his name and said his other surname. George raised his eyebrow and didn't mind the quick mistake. Shin is in awe of the nice breeze of the outdoors. He can see meadows and plains with farms and even friendly travelers they meet. For a long while on their journey, they talk about the metal horses and how to ride them. George the coachman teaches Shin about how to drive the horses, giving him a chance to drive for a little while since their destination is around the border of Laginaple. That is where this 'illustrious' mystery family is located.

George reveals that the Manor is surrounded by thick woods near Mount Laginaple, which is the border of the Kingdom. He also revealed the rumors of the family, feeling a heavy feeling that they are dangerous. He also said about the other beginner Hunters like him being assigned, and then after a day or two, they either quit or be fired by the family. The Guild tried to contact those Hunters, but they are nowhere to be found. They mysteriously disappeared as if those Hunters want to hide. George said it is pretty sketchy to him. In all his years as a coachman, he has a bad feeling about the Family, a bad omen.

After a long while, when they set up camp, Shin can't shake the feeling of a bad omen after hearing George's story about the family. Shin takes the first watch, letting George sleep first. Shin reads the job receipt, reading the illusory writing, stating that the secret mission is to assassinate the family for corruption. Shin scratches his head, not understanding if the bad omen he's feeling is connected somehow. He reads the contents of the job request receipt, whispering the illusory writing from top to bottom. As soon as he mentioned the keyword, the paper lit up, activating the spell inside the receipt. A figure of a man appeared, looking gallant and knightly. His face is of a veteran and is serious in his tone. Soon, the figure spoke.

"I hope this message reaches the one who can see the illusory writing. I am Guild Master Davis, and you, who can see the unseen, have an unparalleled sense that most people do not have. I know you are confused, but if you do this mission and see for yourself how corrupt this family is, after the mission, please come see me."

After that, the figure disappeared and the paper burns until there's none left, even ash. Shin is confused, but if what this Guild Master Davis saying is true, then he, with reason, investigates what the hell is going on.