Chapter 4: The Pain of Living

Pain etched through her back as the dried blood stained the sections she wasn't able to wash with the cloth. Each movement creates a shooting pain from the bottom to the top of her back. Her muscles ached as her body spasmed now and then as she lay in the cot, not wanting to get up.

Dread filled her to the core as the sunlight rose and the birds sang their way to cheerful tunes. She yearned for nothing more than for the darkness to once again consume her. For sleep to envelope her as she dreamed about life outside of this hell hole. Softly her fingers ran over her face as she silently sobbed, blinking back the tears. She let out a breath hearing the soft "click" of the door once more.

"I don't want to..."

Her body cried as she carefully moved up out of the cot, careful to not bump her stiff back. She had been grateful for finding some cloth and torn it to make strips. Running some alcohol she had stored away she cleaned the fabric before wrapping her back making sure to cover the wounds entirely.

The friction and movements were still uncomfortable. She was grateful for her body's quick healing but it didn't feel fast enough. Letting out another soft whimper she dressed for the day, having difficulties dressing up on her own.

The scratchy fabric made her skin brighten with irritation as she carefully pulled the fabric over her hips. Grabbing new undergarments, she wore them on before brushing the tangles out of her hair the best that she could without causing her back more pain. Soft whimpers escaped her as she heard the "click" of the door unlocking, moving her fingers over towards the door and slowly opening it.

Poking her head out of the door she listened carefully. Her long fox ears attempt to pick up any sound possible as she hears the soft breaths of the family sleeping. A soft sigh escapes her lips as she slips from the room making sure to keep the soft pitter-patter of her feet on the wood as quietly as possible.

This had not been the first time she had been beaten by one of the family members. The worst time she had been punished has been from little Abigail. The child was a prodigy when using a knife and enjoyed poking and prodding things to see what would happen.

Suddenly, Laverna felt the rough leather holding her arms and legs captive and felt a force pulling her legs, making her fall. The brothers had easily thrown her to the ground and placed the restraints on her before laughter escaped their lips speaking about Abigail having her fun. Fear bubbled inside of Laverna as she watched the younger girl slide her fingers over Laverna's bare legs before she softly giggled, then licking Laverna's cheek, whispered in her ear.

"Mommy said that you didn't get out of bed quick enough. So yesterday, she told me that I could have fun today..."

She grins widely as her tiny fingers dug into Laverna's skin, leaving bruises behind before the fingers grabbed a handful of Laverna's hair, jerking her head up to stare at the little girl.

"So fun we will have!"

She spat out small water droplets, hitting Laverna's face as the look of evil washed over the tiny girl's frame. The boys helped Abigail drag Laverna to her "Fun Room". Laverna cried for help, begging the siblings to have mercy on her, hoping for a merciful soul to come but to no avail. Her screams and cries make Abigail giggle and jump with excitement, skipping ahead of the boys.

As they arrive at her room, Abigail opens the door to her "Fun Room". The "Fun Room" is like a surgery room filled with medical apparatuses like scalpels, oxygen tanks, and more things designed to save a life, now being used in cruel machinations. The boys toss her on the surgical table, strapping Laverna's arms and legs on each corner of the table, locking the straps tight. After that, they left the room while saying to Abigail to have fun. As they left, Abigail locked the door and the "fun" begins, turning on Classical Music on her phonograph.

Abigail starts, snipping off Laverna's potato sack blouse and her undergarments, leaving her naked. Abigail wasted no time taking the scalpel, cutting Laverna's skin without anesthesia. Blood slid down her arms as she watched Abigail slice off another chunk of skin, this one much deeper than the last.

She gently poked the muscle and tendon watching Laverna's arms twitch as another cry escaped her. Each whimper, cry, or gasp in pain excites the young girl, continually poking and prodding over Laverna's body, watching what would happen if she did this and that.

The pain continued to move through Laverna's body. Layers of skin sliced away as if she was nothing more than an animal for butchering or experimentation. Laverna watched as Abigail jumped on top of the table, her blade slicing down Laverna's stomach as a blood-curdling scream escaped her.

"Oh, no-no-no. Shhh..."

She said softly, watching as Laverna's entire body was confused, twitching and spasming with long hours of torture at the hands of this little child. A frown escaped the young girl before she shook her head, shaking her bloody finger at Laverna.

"We will continue later. Mommy said I couldn't kill you… yet."

She said, slipping off the table. She called for her brothers and they took the bloodied woman as consciousness blinked in and out of her. She only came into conscience when she felt her body thrown onto the cold flooring of her room before another gasp of cries escaped her. Abigail tosses a lab gown at Laverna, covering her body as it floats down.

"Here! A gift from me to you for giving me so much fun! Now get moving, pet!"

Abigail and the boys laughed as they walk away from the bleeding Laverna, writhing in pain as she squirms on the ground. She is slowly healing, covering herself, and giving her time to heal until she can walk. Such vile things someone could do to another. The lack of humanity happily filled the family as their tortures never seemed to end.

Laverna felt another sob threaten to escape her as memories flooded her mind. Such horrors but ones she could not relive right now. For her sake, she prayed that her thievery had been atoned for and the family would lose interest until they got bored again.

After a few painful moments, she can stand up and walk, continuing to do her duties as the house's caretaker. She continued to work cleaning the home, slipping through each room carefully to avoid any detention. Her back caused issues, attempting to bend over. She felt the scab rip open and the familiar drop of blood slide down her back. She quickly dashed to the bathroom making sure no blood dripped on the floor.

She didn't want to imagine what kind of punishment she would receive if her blood dripped on the floor, causing a mess. Her body ached and throbbed as she slowed down, opening the bathroom door and closing it as quietly as possible. Her ears listened once more, thankful that the breathing sounds of the family seemed normal.

The bathroom was relatively large for a single bathroom. A toilet had been placed to the right side while a sink was to the left. A small circular mirror sat over the sink with a sage soap bar that had been purchased overseas. All of the bathrooms had the same scented soap bar. A bathmat had been placed next to the toilet to help keep one's toes warm while they did their business and a candle burned on the wall lighting up the entire bathroom.

In the left corner by the door was a shelving unit with towels and other toiletries that one might need. The bathroom was by far smaller than the others and less extravagant thus the bathroom that was used the least. Laverna carefully pulled up her lab gown and unwrapped herself. The makeshift wrap had dried blood on it as well as fresh as a scowl escaped her lips before she folded the material. Opening the shelving unit she pulled out bandages and quickly rewrapped herself. She would need to replace the bandages in case anyone came looking.

Once her back was fully wrapped up again and the bleeding had stopped, she placed the gown back down and cleaned up any trace of her in the bathroom. The soiled bandages were thrown into the garbage can and then emptied into the one attached to her cart. She placed everything back and left the room, a soft sigh escaping her lips. She was growing more tired by the day.

She had thought that living a longer life would have been better than dying and one day her realistic nightmares would get at least some semblance of hope shined on them, yet, she wasn't sure anymore. Her fingers wrapped around the cart as she continued to clean each room. She listened as each family member arose and dodged each of them knowing the manor's many shortcuts and hiding areas. Rooms the family never entered, thus being good places to hide until they moved away.

On most days the family ignored her presence, nothing more than an annoying bug that flitted around doing their bidding. How tired she was truly getting and knew one day she couldn't lie to herself anymore. Death would be a welcomed escape. She could once again see her family and friends. She could do simple things like feeling the wind in her hair or the coolness of a stream across her skin.

She yearned for the sunlight to kiss her flesh and nose as it once had, and for the moonlight to bring a calmness instead of the known coldness. She wished to eat meals once more and not go hungry, to taste wine for the first time, and to feel skin against her own that was not intent on causing her harm. Such simple requests seemed a lifetime away. Death could not come soon enough for her.

The coldness was a welcoming song that she yearned to stretch her fingers out and touch his cloak. Would her death be fast or would she be forced to die a slow and painful death?