Chapter 6: The Settlement

Thomas is leading the crowd, with Magdalene beside Shin. Shin's natural scent is of Moonflowers in full bloom, making ordinary folk charmed by him, but more so for a woman in heat. Shin is still ignoring Magdalene's wiles and seducingly stares at him, assuring Thomas as Thomas observes Shin very, very closely. 

Shin was introduced to the Head Butler, the Head Maid, the Guard Captain of this estate, the Beast Tamers, and other people who require his introduction since he will be the new bodyguard. Thomas instructed each one to pay respects to Shin and he, as the bodyguard, holds the standard. It is indeed a huge state of art at every turn, even the most minuscule thing must be perfect. Truly these people want nothing more but perfection in every corner of the estate, even with the people they employ. But the more Shin looks around, the more he sees that this place is more and more eerie and the hair on his skin is standing out in fear and disgust.

After a day-long while of walking through the estate, it was already night. Thomas showed him his room on the second floor, near the Master's bedroom and other rooms. It was grandiose as usual, with high ceilings and a balcony. He looks at Thomas and asks. "This is too good to be true, sir. Are you sure you want me to stay here as my Living Quarters? This is too much for a humble bodyguard like me. This is even looking like a Guest Room." Thomas laughed, smiling as he gave a thumbs up.

"Of course! We wanted to give and invest in what's best for the person who will save my life one day. Until then, we're under your protection, and you're under our care. Consider this as a gift, Sheenrayu." He nods thanking Thomas. "Thank you, sir. You may call me Shin. It is easier to remember, yes?" Thomas was surprised but laughed at the amusement of it all. 

Shin doesn't know well what Thomas is thinking, but it better hope that it will just tickle his fancy. Then as soon as Shin talks, the three boys are walking with women in tow, being with the boys as they're head over heels for the three. What he has noticed is that these women are walking kind of differently, like they're hypnotized, just following the three like zombies. Thomas stopped them and he called them and then the three came. Thomas introduces Shin to his children.

"Ronald, Charles, and Gavin. This is Shin, our new bodyguard. I can see that he will be a great bodyguard. Shin, these are the three boys that you will be protecting as well. Ronald is our eldest, Charles our second, Gavin our Third and there's the sweet pea Abigail. She's the youngest and the prized treasure of this family."

Then as soon as the very mention of the girl's name, Abigail walked in and looked at Shin. She too has lust in her eyes as soon as she sees Shin. It seems that the women in this family have the hots for him… maybe. He nodded to all of them and bowed as a nobleman in the East bows in respect.

"Thank you for your Hospitality. I will do my best in protecting and serving Family Lichtenstein."

Thomas nodded and the two ladies clapped their hands. The three sons just scoffed and didn't care. Thomas laughed and smiled, clapping his hand twice. "Alright now. Let us leave Sheen be. I may need to have a word with our new bodyguard, okay?".

They all would leave. Thomas on the other hand would look at Shin, taking his hand and shaking his hand, staying for a little while. While shaking Shin's hand, he tells him.

"You are part of the family now. But before we take you in, I want you to promise me several things before we get started. Number one, don't ever EVER, under any circumstances, seduce my wife, as well as my daughter. Several bodyguards tried that and we had to dismiss those people immediately. Number two, whatever I say, you follow. My word is law. Don't ever cross me, or else, there'd be hell to pay. Do you understand me?" 

Thomas's grip tightened as if anyone would have anyone break their hand. Shin nods his head, leaving the confused Thomas just dumbfounded as Shin's hands are flexible and didn't feel the pain of his grip. Thomas released his hand and then walked away, leaving Shin alone in the room.