Chapter 8: The House of Depravity

On day five of his investigation, he discovers more and more about the family and the sins the Lichtensteins have committed. Through the help of the spirits around the Manor, he learned that the house is indeed evil, and its inhabitants are evil as well. 

The servants who are in long service to the Family have been used to the evils in the room, counting the days until their time has come. Those who want to quit disappear and don't know where they are and some end themselves through suicide. 

Shin has been purifying the spirits in the Manor for days, getting tired as the days go on. Indeed, the stench of death around him makes him a bit nauseous. The only safe area is his Quarters, and he wants to keep it that way. 

During his rounds and his investigations, he notices a painting in the Kennel that he didn't quite see. The painting has a picture of the dogs of war charging through an army. The painting is crooked and it irked him that the painting is slanted to the left. He made the painting straight and when he did, there was a click sound, opening a hidden compartment of a lever near the fireplace of the Kennel. 

His eyebrow raised, curious as to what it was. When he pulled the lever, a hidden door opened silently, emitting the smell of death in the room. The door itself is the fireplace. Shin looks left and right, looking to see if someone is spying on him, or even a small familiar to kill and enter the hidden place. Once he has made a sweep and everything's clear, he enters the door of death, closing the door behind him. 

He follows down the dimly lit stairwell, following the scent of death. As soon as he opened another door, he witnessed something that was like hell on earth. He sees cages of various sizes, big and small. Quiet on his feet, he sees it all, having eyes that can see in the dark. The musky smell mixed with the smell of different scents causes his stomach to flip upside down. 

"What the hell is this place?" He whispered, quiet as he would look around. Good thing no guards or dogs are patrolling this place. He sees cages that have something in them, with dogs gnawing at something, and some humans barely breathing, waiting for death in their cages. Dogs are eating a human alive, their parts are being gnawed and chewed like a tasty morsel and yet, the screams are mixed with agony and pleasure. 

The blood-curdling screams of those who are being eaten alive have some sort of magic to prolong their agony. The magic emitted is regenerative with a mix of aphrodisiac-like effects, making them experience a fate worse than death. He moves on, walking further, and notices that there are others, mostly women. who are being used as a breeding ground.

The women are sexually assaulted and interlocked with beasts who are in the wild and in heat. These beasts are a mix of dire wolves and rats, and they're called 'Woldrat'. Their faces are like those of a Wolf and with feet are like a rat, able to climb walls and such. Woldrats are capable of going in through tight spaces and chewing through almost all materials like a rat, but they're also big and ferocious as a wolf, moving in packs. These Woldrats are found in the wild and are common beasts that are 'Falspawn'. 

They procreate with fellow Woldrats and are known to have hooked penises, knotted to the females that they want to be inseminated, and they would do it for a month straight without fail so the female would be impregnated and then have their eggs fertilized until birth, giving birth to more Falspawn.

These women, clearly having a spell on them, turn this depravity of pain into pleasure. Their faces show pleasure, even if their stomachs are bloated and filled with Woldrat's breeding juices, thinking they are being impregnated by their lover, uttering their words of love and affirmation. Some women are giving birth to more Woldrats before their offspring feed off of their milk with their breasts, repeating the cycle once again.

The newly-born Woldrats would fight and eat their siblings and gain even more ferocious the more they're left alone, and as soon as they turn into an adult, they will try to fight the Alpha to have the privilege of becoming the next Alpha and breed with the seedbed.

He can see that cages have a spell on them, preventing the Woldrats and other things inside the cages from getting out. He can also see just how filthy it is inside the room. He can also see the concentration of souls wanting to get revenge, slowly turning to Falspawn and Azakashi, a revenant spirit, that is also Falspawn.

Who would do such a thing, he thought. He gritted his teeth and left, whispering prayer for their sweet release of death as he leaned towards the secret mission that Guild Master Davis had assigned to him, even if he hadn't seen Shin's face, or met him of the matter.

After he purifies the hidden room by killing the Woldrats and releasing the evil spirits to grant them eternal peace and rest, Shin moves on to other places, finding hidden levers and handles to reveal hidden rooms. He is good at finding things. Even the Servant's Quarters have a dungeon inside it, putting people in cages.

Numerous torture devices are being kept and unsanitized for the next user to have their wounds covered with infections. He would imagine the screams, the agony, and the torture these poor victims have experienced. He would notice the other guards and servants having lost fingers, bruises, and cuts. He would assume that the family or their cohorts have something to do with this.

Shin, being over calculative as he is, devises a plan to kill the noble family tonight. He has done this before, even facing an army with sheer tactics and guerrilla warfare. This is different. He, in his mind and body, knows that he will be fighting these people within the Manor. And he, with all of his knowledge and mastery, can take these people on. He just has to show the oppressed people that they can take arms and fight. 

He uttered in his lips that Family Liechtenstein's days are numbered, and their time for vengeance is nigh. He roams around and memorizes the important paths. He also would take note of the Guard Houses, the servant's quarters and huts, the kennels, and the stables. He noted the exits that he deemed okay to take to disappear into the night.

He informed the family that he would be sleeping this afternoon instead of accompanying the family for their afternoon lunch due to him walking around the Manor, but in reality, he is going to rest so that he can start to wreak havoc on the family tonight.