: Wisdom Leaf

41: Wisdom Leaf

Ten years later…


I stood on top of a bench trying to build a bigger barn for an old lady. She was dressed in a wimple and long skirt for that was how they dressed here. 

This wasn't Forestille, rather it was East-Oland.

We had moved to a bigger place, but this was a different town filled with the best growers. Growers are people that grew the best herbs and medicine in the world. It was where I came to obtain a certain leaf which was later going to be taken home.

You see, Pa had taken ill and I had to do something about it. He shouldn't die and was too good to go soon. I had used my skills to obtain jobs nearby villages, but now I had to go away from this barn for I was done. 

The old lady said with a basket in her hands after I had rounded up with work, "Please son, you should take this."

I was a nicely grown man, corner hair by my ear side, large arms, and I'd say I had a well enough built masculine physique that the ladies swooned over. I had dazzling eyes and was a well statured fellow.

  I remained humble over the years. My stature was tall and had fine shoulders. I came down with delight from the bench, cheerful that I had been rewarded with what I came here for. I was going to take it home to Pa.

"Thank you," I bowed in gratitude. "This will help heal my Grandfather from his illness?" I confirmed first from the old lady, with lifted brows.

The aged woman chortled at this, making me produce a confused face for it was weird. She announced, "This isn't that wisdom leaf I told you about, mister. It's food."

Huh? I was amazed because I remembered telling her what I worked for- this wasn't it.

"You don't mean it." I still remained dazed, because I was slightly angry.

"Come Greazella." A beautiful woman with a white apparel emerged out from the house and I was slightly stunned for a minute. "Come and greet this young man. He doesn't seem married yet. He's quite tall and strong enough to give you kids."

I gaped at what the woman said. 

What was even worse was that the beautiful Greazella, which I presumed to be her daughter, stood right in front of me with her quite alluring eyes. She was properly built and had matured features for a lady, but I snapped out of it, knowing fully well I wasn't here for her. I needed to save Pa.

With a gentleman-gesture, I kindly declined, "Thank you once again for the offer, but I need to be on my way."

"But you should stay for dinner. At least for a little while." spoke the lady, Greazella, who I thought did something that could be  likened to that of a shy blush. She averted her gaze afterwards.

"Thank you madam. And Greazella, I do think you're pretty."

I could see a sudden pink flush on Greazella's cheeks immediately after I said that, and her amazement showed. I went away with that, going to where I had left my horse and arranged the saddle before mounting on it.

 Greazella waved at me with beatific smile splashed accross her face from afar, and the old lady came walking from behind.

"Hey! Wait there young mister." I was alerted, taken aback. The clad in wimple  female took some time before reaching. "If you're looking for the wisdom leaf, I will advise you go to the Gideon Gate."

Whare was that?

"It's just some miles away and they may attend to you. The Gideons hold the world's best knowledge and are quite knowledgeable. You should go there, they'll tell you what to do and probably where you can find it."

I offered my gratitude with my voice, "Thank you miss, and may the spirits bless you."

I went off with that, riding to the Gideons Gate.

I rode for hours, morning till dusk and I could vividly remember what the lady had told me- she had lied it was only few miles away. It had later been described for me- the place- and I could barely see the large house with a green gate under the blue gleaming moon, as she had described.

The atmosphere was a dark but colourful one since the full moon didn't fail to introduce itself in the evening, offering light to the travellers like me.

Like a show light, it glowed ontop a certain spot- in this case, a tall building I could guess to be the Gideons gate. I had never heared of it before and never knew how their kind behaved- the Gideons.

Trotting in the direction of the recognized description of the supposed gate on my horse, I stumbled upon an inscribed passage on a stone.

It clearly sounded strange to me at first.

I read;


 The spear of Cupid is useless without love. Whatever makes tear, is striking to the mind and hurtful to the heart- have not, and not what you seek is here if not so. And whatever that sees you shut, seeks you in pain, needlessly. 

Mind you, turn back if not so.  

What in the name of the spirit did that mean?

As weird as it sounded, it was my only hope in getting inside because I didn't see a gate keeper or guard standing at front. I glanced around again to confirm.

"Cupid's arrow…striking…tear…heart..? " I pronounced the writing. "What could be the possible meaning of those quotes?"

'Have not.' Have not what? 'And whatever sees you shut, seeks you…' 

What was that? What saw me shut? My eyes traced to front of where I stood and the only standing in front of me obviously was a gate. Only a gate saw me, so I presumed it was what saw me shut- I thought even if it was strange.

The spear of Cupid is useless without love. What makes tear, and what do I have that I should have not? I still stared into the passage, trying to understand it..

I paced around with my eyes and saw that my sword was the only thing with me at the moment. It suddenly rang something like a bell in me. I thought it was the only thing that could be likend to a spear,  a weapon without love. Though I wouldn't say it was useless because it helped me during battle.

Holding onto my sword, I carried it up and then thought of where I should put it. If I didn't give it away, I wouldn't go insde in accordiance to the words, 'Have not.' and 'Turn back, if not so.' whatever that meant. I breathed.

Ontop of the green gate, I observed 

 a design of a big leave- almost as though it could fit my sword.

Easy… I thought. Maybe I should place it inside.

I did place my sword in and it surprised me by opening.

The gates finally made a long whining noise and I was welcomed in. The first I viwed was a vast hall of lined up shelves with old books. So many Gideons, I presumed, stayed rolling scrolls and walking up and down with pride.

They were dressed in a golden garment with leaf designs on the centre. A big painting of a leaf hung on a wall. I was abruptly welcomed in by a brown-skin-toned man. He had a lowered hair cut and regular pair of eyes. He greeted with well composed choice of words and a bony looking face.

I would've mistaken him to be a dumping place for carmel's feaces because he didn't smile at all and was all serious. 

"State your name, clan and every detailed information there is to be provided concerning yourself. And of course, there shan't be a slightest room for misconceptions." He spoke, sounding firm.

"May I speak to your head?" I enquired boldly, showing where I stood.  I needn't to be scared of this man even if I didn't possess my weapon. I could kill him in a flash if a slight threat displayed. He didn't look like a threat to me but my eyes still was vigilant.

"Surely your language detector which is  your brain or hearing antenna should have given attention to the spoken words of my mouth before you speaking yourself." he looked at me who was unfazed by his quite incredulous accent. "I see you've come from afar.  Come inside, for you have succeeded in passing the riddle. I am one of  the Gideons and we have no master. We let  our thinking capacity rules us."

"When will I have my weapon back?" I worriedly asked like it was a life support. I needed it by my side.

"Soon. That is when you have returned back outside. You are aware that we possess quite incredulous things and I am guessing you're here because of a certain object. A matter of life and death, I presume?"

"Yes. It's my grandfather who raised me. He is sick and suffers severely. Please help him. I need to grant him a second chance in life, and so I have come in humble peace. I don't care if I need to drop weapon, but I beg you give me a certain wisdom leaf."

"The wisdom leaf, I see." He sashayed across the the halls, heading farther into the book halls.