Chapter 45: Aureole Hills


Light circle

We were in a place called Aureole Hills. It was located nearby the mountain sides and the endlessly flowing rivers nigh. Soliders stayed training and breathing as they practiced vigorously. 

It was our own Forelene troops we had formed and  raised.

 I was at a peaceful hilly valley with the wind blowing westwardly and my fellow Forelenes and I had a view of the air creatures passing through the ever colourful morning skies.

It was our new home and the people stayed there, although a few villagers still preferred calling it New Forestille. 

Aureole Hills was hidden like a disguised territory from the enemies. Everything seemed organized here and we had soliders training for battle. 

Young children possesed battle skills that we taught.

Yes, I knew we had once agreed to stay out of  the war; point of correction, the others and not me, but we had seen the consequences of being weak and knew the world needed strong men and women.

We had decided to train our defense system after seeing what the universe had surrounded us with.

I saw it as needless dwelling on such paths, so I'd prefer speaking on the beauty of the new Aureole Hills.

Here in our home, we divided the labourers into different fields of work, and people engaged in learning of the various handworks and teaching.

There were the fishermen whom supplied us with the most wonderful sea kind creatures and then the hunters, basically our warriors, who went out to get meat in the woods.

My favourite job was grooming, and I loved to watch how the hair groomers styled each maiden's hair, plaiting it into different looks that portrayed their character. It enhanced their beauty. I had my long blonde hair packed downwardly and a feminine chest, rosy cheeks that were pody. I was with a feminine stature that was tall and I possesed ruby lips.

My arms were strong enough to show how brave of woman I was. Although no matter how tough looking and intimidating I was, I still stood beautiful and fair. 

I wore a silver jewelry on my neck, it was something I thought to signify strength, dignity, and also my beauty. It was a simple cross necklace with no other attachment that dangled on my neck, sliding down my chest. 

I was incharge of training the newly recruits.

"Darla!" a small girl, Roselle, swiftly met me for a hug. She was shorter than I, but  didn't mind hugging my knees. 

Roselle was one of those children that liked coming close to me. Of course merriness filled my heart as I lifted the child off the ground for a twirl. Her smile lit up my face and then her brother came racing along.

"Oh, you Jacob!" I mussed his soft hair. "Okay."

"Why don't we go get [olden days food] huh?" Little Jacob suggested, expectantly.

I smiled, "Of course." I wasn't as haughty as I was anymore. The children liked me.

"Yay!" chorused them admirably. We were off to go, already having one of the children up on my shoulders when a needed but serious atmosphere took flight. 

It was a calling from a fellow comrade. I looked at Cara and recognized her look.

Dropping Jacob, I assured, "Next time little ones. We'll play."

The children portrayed jolly strides as they disappeared away.  It was duty calls.

"How many more new recruits do we have?" my authoritative voice interrogated as I walked with Cara; a warrior.

"I believe five," the [raven-hared woman spoke with certainty in her tone. Her hair was woven in a [anoda hairstyle]braid. "although not still enough." 

Cara and I gave confident strides across the field, heading towards a meeting ground.

"We should do we that which we have. That should do for now." As a second Ieader, I didn't need to be hopeless.

I was being led to the newly constructed council hall and sat where I usually did on an empty chair, next to the bigger one. Pa used to fill in for Kaleb since he was always out looking out for ways to improve the community. Kaleb was incharge, put as leader of growing warriors.

He knew our enemies well enough and produced countless strategic means to counteract them.

"All rise…" An Elder of the council ordered. This particular one was one of our oldest members, Ben, and I respected him. He spoke as procedure required. All of us then sat down back after a while.

"It saddens me that one of our members cannot be here today and the other, which I proclaim to be also very important, cannot make it because of the some certain reason. We shall still push forward anyways, as to operate and make sure of the smooth running of Aureole Hills while their off on temporarl leaves."

Applause followed after this.

"Darla," another member called. "if you may?"

"Hm. It is an honour, and always is, to sit in your presence because so many have tried to gain this position but failed. I hereby thank you for the chance to speak among great people."

A pleased look displayed on their faces.

"I know many of us still hold dear the old believe of no-" I cleared my throat there. "weapons and violence. But we all experienced the great loss of lives distant years past. We believe we should step up our game and bring in more youths-"

"No, no, no, Darla." A proud Lorenzo interjected, thus annoying me. His finger wriggled in dismay. "We've brought in too many of our youths. Our lives are being risked for a futile, I repeat, futile course!

 My eyes lids closed in exasperation

We needn't waste more lives. We're starting to look like them, you know who."

Mutters set across the place needlessly. 

"I know, I know." the chattering continued. I was told to sit down unceremoniously, after I had formally risen to speak, but was shunned. I knew so dear that a part of the reason of their misbehaviour had something to do with my brother not being here.

He was a better ruler than I was and I admitted. Kaleb was the Forelenes own elected heir.

"It's okay! It's okay people!" Benjamin implored silence; the only fair-minded individual present. "We will see to what we can do about this, Darla."                 


I punched hardly a bag of weeds. It was something set for training course. I unleashed my frustration out on the sack.

 "I don't get it! We worked so hard yet those workless elders would just sit down there and control new Forestille. We're the ones training the recruits,  we're the ones fighting soliders yet those leaders fear the most."

I spoke out in fury.

"Mistress, Darla," Cara soothed. "you  shouldn't stress yourself. We've worked harder than they ever know. We need a praise. You deserve it." 

Linconn Cara was one of our first fighters that had agreed to join us train and fight. She was competent. Although we were seemingly close, my sister Berylene was closer.

I commanded my student. "Go teach the newly entered."

"Yes madam." she went off.

I saw myself out also, meandering on the green field when my eyes sighted something that made me think a number of horses were coming my way. 

I paused almost in uncertainty.

 I almost flopped it off when it seemed near. What was this? Why were our warriors coming back? It was so sudden, almost as though they  unfinished the mission.  My men weren't supposed to arrive until after dusk. I detected something amiss.

With my stallion, I went on galloping towards them. I was right, my men were hurt. They were three and two were damaged badly.

"Where's Kaleb?!" One of them thundered out of the blue as we finally met. It was Galihead that had spoken. I didn't get the sudden request and remained dazed. 

"What do you need him for? There's no room for anger Galihead. What is it?"

I helped Damion and Owen down from their horses- the hurt soliders. What happened to my men?

"It's that Kaleb you should asked!" his voice didn't go down. My heart lurnched with more and more pain. 

"Speak appropriately." My teeth grinned almost in anger as I commanded. 

I wanted to hear.

 "The Rocainians killed our men. Kaleb led them to slaughter everyone near May way. Including the other villages we've made friends with."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Kaleb isn't in East-Oland. He's been out there killing villagers, including his own men!"

My heart broke into pieces. Kaleb couldn't do such and had been out there wanting to cure Papa. I wanted to disbelieve Galihead's accusations, but then those eyes of his bore sadness, and my wounded men.

It couldn't be Kaleb.

Did I doubt him because him was my brother? Or just because he wasn't capable of doing such? I had to be fair.

Villagers had already started coming to take in the injured men and I couldn't even still fathom what was going on.