
 We were currently steering towards the south side, passing a gulch, believing the Great city maybe somewhere located at a vast region in the south-east. A shivering breezy atmosphere filled the environment, and although we possessed a map, we were lost.

"Jeremy! I thought you…" I pronounced out in exasperation, almost bellowing out further, but I managed to eat back my bellow like a fruit. "I thought you knew this place."

"I do," He replied, meanwhile I was on the verge of passing an usteady rock, something that almost came crumbling on me. "but things often change, you see."

An awkward chuckle and scratching of the head was portrayed.

He had drawn us a map from the 'knowledge' he had possessed concerning the Great city. The Great city, as the name implied, was one of the largest cities in the world, with the most protected territory. They weren't small and clearly the richest. The Great king Royal the III was the one in charge of that territory. The people who lived there were called the Royal citizens. Or just Royals.

I had encountered one of them before and later on made my research concerning them. It was exciting to finally be able to explore such paradise and I wanted to feed my eyes on the place. 

When I was younger, I always use to dream of becoming a fighter, and now, hopefully a knight. But in reality, I was a Forelene warrior and second in commnd in the army. I journeyed with a certain Gideon knucklehead, whom was behind me.

Our Chief, Kaleb, had been accused twice of such grisly crimes and we needed a solution to this.

No matter how all fingers were being pointed at Kaleb, there was still something that wasn't pointed out clearly. We needed evidence, and until then, I had to trust my brother.

We were on a bridge that was swaying in the wind. It was leading us to the other side of where a particular valley was; Zahmahan. It was said to be occupied by treasure keepers. We needed rest there and then go on with our journey. It was the nearest hills ahead, that was why.

Jeremy and I stood ontop of a shaky bridge where our horses couldn't pass, and Kaleb, whom had his hair packed up in a manly and neat pony, had suggested he went through another route for our horses sake. 

Although the route he'd followed was an unsure and farther road. We weren't certain he'd make it at all in this large forest. I was with Jeremy, and had to deal with his 'wits' that I couldn't comprehend. I would've absolutely wanted to know the story of how he met Kaleb, because he had quite the bugging humour and 'intellects', I'd say.

"Darla! The bridge's quite unsteady!" Jeremy gave out a quite scared-sounding-ironic laughter. His voice was cracked. "Can't we come off?" He still had his hands on the side of the locally constructed brigde that was made from bamboo.

"We can make it!" I assured him with boldness sounding in my tone, although I wasn't quite certain myself. 

We were sliding to the side as the squall grew worse. The echoing of the wind made a shuddering feeling to appear inside Jeremy because he actually shook and couldn't help move faster than an inch per step.

The wind hummed violently and I couldn't help have some a strong feeling in myself too. Maybe uncertainty overwhelmed me.

"We will make it!" I assured him,  including myself. There wasn't a slightest possibility that Jeremy could take more steps closer. The one rule I soon uncovered as a secret was too never look back, nor down, until you had gotten to the other side.

"Jeremy, just keep moving!" I would've sworn I felt cold breeze gush into my mouth like food, after I had yelled that out loud from where I was.

I was almost getting there, having a tad hope in me because this was so close. I could see the land on the other side, far away from the bridge. This bridge was over a very vast spreading river that had water pulling current. Mountains were at the side and the water ran so quickly that it made it white.

Having a happy laugh exit my mouth, I jumped to the other side away form the bridge now safe.

"Let's go!" 

Finally, I had made it.

I was merry as I had crossed, but then, Jeremy. Jeremy still hadn't crossed and was as frightened as a rat seeing a human. He didn't have to tell me that he was scared of heights.

Making my way back on the bridge, which was long, I steered my way towards him without thinking and hands stretched out. And on reachng there, a bridge part cracked. We went about wailing as we swung on the platform from side to side. It was tense and more and more parts started loosing, telling the bridge was old and worn out.

We both needn't be told. We rushed back to where we came from, which for Jeremy was back where we bagan, and I, where I had gotten before; the successful location. I had gotten to the other side of the bridge.

"There's no way to cross this track!" Jeremy yelled from the other side. "We need to split up!"

"But there isn't a sure route to follow!" I reminded.

"I meant back home! I'm not fit for the wild. The world's a jungle and I'm a sheep!"

"But you can think of a way! Maybe you could follow Kaleb's direction!"

He confessed sadly, "I'm not like him! I'll get lost! Perhaps If I go back home and study more! I could be more of a smarter Gideon! I can't learn like this! Not in this wild."

I didn't know, but sympathy overwhelmed me on hearing him.

 I cried out after giving it a thought, "Then you could go to the Raven Hills with the rest villagers! You shouldn't go back to where you're restricted! Maybe you could learn fighting there!"

I could see Jeremy silently giving this a thought.

"I'll see into that!" He exclaimed.

His weirdly happy self gave a grin whilst waving his both hands at him and I couldn't help but smile at him too, as he left. We had agreed on going out seperate ways.

I was off to Zahmahan.

Still, venturing into the region, I saw a place were the trees had been cut beautifully, and a carved decent looking stone building, which looked like it was camouflaged by the trees around. No doubt that was Zahmahan.  

It even had two statues that were carrying bowls of water, and pouring it down to flow. I was about letting myself in when I came across a stunningly attractive female in red. Her dress had bouffant sleeves and an opening was shown in her stomach. She wore jewelries on her neck, ears and hands. 

"Greetings dear." she bowed. "I am Patricia and these are my friends. Same goddess-looking species of ladies came outside from the corners of the statues. They walked elegantly in an alluring manner and were very excited.

"Welcome sister." one of the beautiful ladies greeted, from behind.

I don't know how they did it, but their skin glowed smoothly like bronze and hair was stylishly braided. Inside the place, they welcomed me in like I was their own.

Patricia gave out with a smile, "We've been expecting you, Darla."

"Huh?" How did they know my name? And what did they mean by they'd been expecting me? 

"Could you elaborate?" I inquired further, but was instantly signalled to look back. 

I gave a turn and gasped in gasped in delight as I gazed upon Kaleb. He had made it and I felt excited about it. Him too was very merry as we caught eyes. He grinned, but then frowned.

"Where's Jeremy?" Kaleb glanced around in question.

A look of dismay plastered across his face as I detailedly explained to him.

We joined the sisters of Zahmahan as they feasted in the evening. We were welcomed in warmly.

I was served sliced roasted deer meat and grape wine on the dinning table. I investigated upon noticing something amiss, "Why aren't there any males?"

The sisters paused eating and looked at me. Surely it had shocked them, but it was the most predictable question a stranger would ask after looking around.

Patricia replied me after putting on a smile that I thought was to conceal some sort of emotions, "My dear, there are so many ruthless people in the world. And they are mostly men."

Kaleb spat out his drink from suffocation. I could guess he was as shocked as I was. He didn't say a word but obviously rendered looks.


Patricia cut me short, "So we prefer having just our sisters and being together as one."

"Then how would you be able to…?"

"By welcoming visitors like your kind." another fair maiden added, looking at Kaleb.

I could sense an uncomfortable ambience all over at the moment, and I needn't look at my brother right now. I quickly went on with my food and exhibited a regretful look. So if no one travellers came they wouldn't have more people?

I was beckoned by a happy girl in a seductive attire. I stood up, about leaving when Kaleb took my hand and said, "Don't go." 

He had a seemingly worried look on and my guess was that the feminine atmosphere had something to do with it. I smiled as I let Kaleb be with the other young females that leered at a tad nervous him.

Inside the room that I had been taken to, I stood, gazing my reflection on a transparent glass. I was dressed up a bit manly in my Forelene inform which was to instill fear in my enemy, but now I had been lent one of those beautiful dresses I had been given.

Though I hadn't worn it yet, I knew it'd look breathtaking on me. I placed it on my body, and imagined myself on it. "My dear, you'd look more stunning than you already are if you dressed up more." Patricia, who was a short haired lady, lauded.

I pink flush appeared on my cheeks.

"Why don't you stay with us dear?"

A wondering expression displayed on me.

"You could join us sisters and obtain all the treasures by passerbys. Trust me, they all pass by."

"Oh, Patricia, I love and enjoy your hospitality, but I have a mission with someone."

Her brows furrowed, "You mean your lover?" she asked, almost angry.

My hands waved in the air in denial, "Oh, no no no. He is just my brother."

Sudden loud wailing noises could be heared from a nearby room, and I wondered what it was as it had done pain to my ears. I was taken aback and almost ran for my weapon. 

But I was stopped.

"Oh, don't worry dear. Our gracious mother hath bless us once more with a new one. I shall go welcome the new born. You can wait here first for a little while." Before she left entirely, I witnessed a Zahmahan sister breath in news into her ears.

The girl's eyes accidentally jammed with mine as I curiously paid attention to their actions. She was dragged by Patricia to a corner and I perceived an uncanny feeling. 

They took long and I anticipated their return. Seeming so, I thought to go take a peek.

I gingerly lifted my feet, and I saw them performing some sort of ritaul for the baby and the baby was crying. Right then at that moment, I knew they wanted to burn the baby.

I rushed to the raised stone of where the baby was, and took the newly born.

"You will not harm a child!" I yelled at them, meanwhile they stared.

"It's not our kind, Darla. It needs to go. We need cheerful species like us. We don't want be hurt by it."

"The little baby boy?" Of course I was stunned. They shouldn't think that way. A boy or no boy, anyone could be anyone and that didn't involve them being a boy or a girl. "Look, Patricia. I know all of you have a believe but this isn't right. You could raise him to be someone good. Someone better and great."

Trusting them, I gave handed over the naked baby boy. A look of sadness overwhelmed the woman, whom I thought to be the mother. Kaleb, came running into the place and I saw him look surprised.


In the morning, we were set to go and one of the ladies gave Kaleb his necklace; I bet they usually wouldn't have given it back since they kept such treasures. 

It was something he hadn't realize was missing before now and had probably lost it last night.

I wondered what had happened when I left that night that Kaleb hadn't noticed his missing necklace.